Part 13: Russian Roulette

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You and Jigen walk out of the nightclub together as Lupin stayed behind: 



Everything seem to be going well, you held Jigen's arm as he walked through the casino again with you.  The sounds of the slot machines dinging, dice being rolled down the craps table, poker players bitching at eachother for losing, and the red and black roulette ball spun around it's wheel.  The casino was filled with chatter.  Your partner seemed alright until he suddenly pulls you behind a pillar.

Jigen: Shit--!

Y/N: What is it?

Jigen: I recognized someone.

Y/N peaked behind the pillar: Who is it?

Jigen looks behind the pillar peaking: One o clock...big tough guy in the grey suit with silver and brown hair.

Y/N: You've done something bad to that guy before?

Jigen nods: We were old partners and I betrayed him to join Lupin.  It was a long time ago, but he's still pissed and wants to kill me.  I told you before I'm a professional marksman but, that guy also happens to be the same thing as I am.

Y/N looks to see the brown and silver haired man walk with his chest out and going into a jewelry store.

Y/N: What's his name?

Jigen: His gang calls him Kanji Ryu, the Dragon King, but he's real name is Katashi Inoue.  I don't know how we're gonna be able to get back to the room if he's there right where to walk to the elevators are.  He seems to be by himself though.

Y/N: Well, maybe he won't recognize you without your hat.

You and Jigen then walk towards where the elevators were passing the jewelry store but then there was a tap on your shoulder from behind.  Turning around it was him.  Jigen grit his teeth as he turned around as well.

Katashi: Ahhh I see you're here old friend, on your way to steal worthless items?

Jigen: And a hello you too Inoue.

Katashi: Why have you come here?

Jigen: I ask you the same thing.

Katashi chuckled deeply:  Well I thought you'd end up here after stealing those cleopatra earrings from the Miami Museum, with your low-life Lupin gang.

Jigen: And what do you want from me?

Katashi lights a cigarette: I want to play a game with you.

Jigen: Sorry I'm out, I don't want to have anything to do with you Inoue.  I refuse.

Katashi pulls his gun out against Jigen's chest: You don't get a choice.  And who's the bride?  Another girl that's gonna backstab you I suppose?

Jigen inhaled slowly: Y/N this is Inoue, Inoue , Y/N.  Now what the hell kind of game you want me to play?

Katashi scoffs: Well this doesn't involve your little Lupin gang friends.  However, your girlie looks like a prize if you win.

Y/N: HEY I'm not some prize, and I'm not gonna let you do this to him-!

Katashi chuckled: Feisty bitch isn't she?  I wonder how you put up with that Jigen.

Jigen: SHUT UP, what fucking game do you want me to play?

Katashi moves his gun away from Jigen's chest, he smirked: Russian Roulette old friend.  If you die, the girl is mine, if you win, I die and the girl remains yours. None of your friends can come along. Is that a deal?  

Lupin the Third Part 1- Jigen's HeartWhere stories live. Discover now