Part 16: Zenigata Gotcha

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You and Inspector Zenigata are both locked up in an empty room with reflective glass and a overhead light: 



You sat there unarmed without your weapon not knowing what to do or say, except worry.  Looking behind you, you see the inspector remove his light khaki colored hat from his head, he had a short dark brown hair cut, and dark side burns similar to Lupin.  

Y/N: Why do you always chase after Lupin? *you began*

Zenigata sighed with his eyes closed: He's done a lot of illegal things, and he happens to get away with it every time.  I'm with Interpol, I was born to chase after Lupin and arrest him, its my only purpose.

Y/N: But even when you do arrest him, you still let him get away.

Zenigata chuckled: Yeah, to be honest Interpol isn't suppose to arrest people, but we have the police force behind us.  But Lupin's a genius when he gets away, I'll give him that.

Y/N: You admire him in a way then?

Zenigata stands up and walks and sits next to you

Zenigata: Yeah well sure I guess so, he's a remarkable human being to have walked on this earth doing all the impossible things he's done.

Y/N: A creepy genius if you ask me.

Zenigata: I know you're working with Lupin though, why you decide to be with his troublesome thieves anyway?  You could be a better person you know.

Y/N scoffed: I really don't have a choice with what's happened to me.  I got no family relatives and my grandparents have died, and I failed high school and dropped out of college.  There wasn't anything for me so I became a Kleptomaniac if that's what you're thinking.

Zenigata: Tough bastard you are huh?  I understand, you also gotta heart to keep being strong.

Y/N: Thanks.

Zenigata: I suppose when we both get out of here I'll leave you be then, but I don't think I'll ever stop chasing Lupin, the son of a bitch drives me crazy for the idiocy and mischief he's done.

You giggled: Well, I guess that makes us frienemes?

Zenigata smirked: Sure.  Frienemes.

Y/N: So you don't really care about the others or locking up his friends either?  Like Goeman, Fujiko, Jigen?

Zenigata: Ohh no I do, there just as guilty for their crimes as Lupin is, er--mostly Lupin.

Y/N: But that means I'm guilty as well

Zenigata: Why you associated with them of all people?

Y/N: There funny to be around besides stealing and going all over the world to get valuable items.  They are also very charismatic and nice to get to know them.  Goeman with his sword and his meditation, Fujiko bantering with Lupin all the time, and....Jigen.

Zenigata looked at your curiously: I'm sensing you like one of em? How could you like a bunch of murderers!

Y/N: They don't murder people for fun Inspector, they only kill people that are worse than they are.  Usually Lupin's group also ends up saving someone as well at the same time.  There heroic criminals.

Zenigata mumbled: Eh sometimes I guess, sometimes no.  Why you hesitate on er- that dark hatted fellow?

Y/N you chuckled nervously: Well uh--we're kind of together.

Zenigata: Jigen huh? I heard that guy doesn't trust women very often though.

Y/N: I don't plan to betray him anytime soon.  You could say that he's my lover.

Zenigata: Good for you, but I'm telling you, you could be a better person and lay off all this chaos with stealing and crime.  Just a suggestion for you miss Y/N.

   There was suddenly a beep in the room, and one of the glass walls slid open in front of the both of you two.  Getting up, you and Zenigata look forward to see Akihito walking with his hands behind his back, two guards in dark suits take the both of you as the Mafia boss led you down the corridor.

   It was a long and dark black corridor and soon you made it into the main room, where Akihito sat in his bright red swivel chair with a digital screen background behind him. One guard held you still and the other did the same with Zenigata.

Akihito: I really wish you both could've considered the offer I had made, it's a shame that I'd have to kill you both, but I don't want you to go to waste just yet.

Zenigata: Just what exactly are you planning to do?

Akihito: Well Inspector, to tell you once Lupin and his friends have discovered this establishment I have a few surprises up my sleeve.

Zenigata: And if you fail?

Akihito chuckled deeply: Well you must know how that feels don't you Inspector? Failing at catching Lupin day, noon, and night twenty four hours around the clock?  I bet you don't even get any sleep at night.

Y/N: What are you gonna do to them! *you shouted*

Akihito: Well my darling, I plan to ambush them with lead bullets, and if they somehow manage to get in I'll just shoot all of them in the head myself~

 Akihito draws his gun and fires at a hung painting of Arsene Lupin the Third right in the middle of his head on the wall right behind you.  He blew the barrel of his gun cooly.  

Akihito: Not just he will die, but I'm gonna torture your little gunman lover for killing my friend Katashi as well.

Y/N yells furiously, the mafia guard held you still aggressively.  You bitched at Akihito.


The mafia boss walks up and sticks a needle in your neck and you pass out going limp.  Zenigata gasped with wide eyes looking over to you frightened and worried.

Zenigata: That's inhumane what are you doing to her?!

Akihito: She's talked too much.  Take her away back to the glass cell

The mafia boss carried you out of the room and down the corridor back to the glass cell, everything was black as night and you couldn't feel or hear anything temporarily.  Back in the Mafia's office Akihito lit another cigarette and blew a smoke stream.

Akihito: You seem to care to put Lupin in jail Inspector.

Zenigata: I don't intend to kill him though.

Akihito: The situation is to get rid of him, I want to see you kill him.  And if you refuse, I'll just kill Lupin myself with you and the girl included.

Zenigata gulped shaking: I-I don't know~

Akihito: There's no choice Inspector, take the gun and shoot him when he comes if you can.

Zenigata hesitated suddenly feeling horrible in the moment: ..........okay.

















End Scene

Lupin the Third Part 1- Jigen's HeartWhere stories live. Discover now