Part 17: Break In

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WARNING: Violence/Gore

Lupin, Goeman, and Jigen arrived at the hidden secret location altogether in the small yellow car:



Lupin gets out of the passenger seat adjusting the coat of his bright red suit, black collared shirt, and yellow tie. Behind him followed Jigen and Goeman who peered behind a large boulder looking towards where the spot was. Jigen lifts up a sniper gun and looks through the scope seeing how many guards there were outside of the establishment.

Jigen: There's about twenties guys, probably some security code ID to get in as well.

Lupin scratched his chin: We need to figure out how we can get in without being noticed.

Jigen: Hey Lupin, what about that blow-dart thing you had?

Lupin: It's only got three darts left though.

Goeman: One of us will have to cause a distraction.

Jigen and Goeman both look at Lupin in unison. Lupin looked back and fourth between them.

Lupin: What?! Why me?

Jigen: Cause you like to talk a lot with that big trap of yours.

Lupin: DOH- I'm only here because we need to get your girlfriend back!

Jigen: I do it a hundred times with you, now its your turn to see how it feels.

Lupin: Ugh...fine.

Lupin creeps out and runs yelling, the guards turn and run after him.  Guns fired at him as he continued to run like a fast track runner.  Goeman slices two guys dead silently and Jigen and Goeman quickly change into a mafia disguise behind some bushes .  They scan there ID's and walk through the door that slid open, and they infiltrated the facility.  Searching around for you but they had no idea where you were being kept.

Jigen beckons Goeman hiding behind a wall, he peaks behind the corner and finds the long corridor.  Then Jigen taps on his earpiece.

Jigen: Lupin, you almost here or are you still being chased?

Lupin: Right behind you Ji-Ji.

Jigen turns around as Lupin snickered mischievously wearing the disguise.  The three men made way down the long corridor together.  However, they didn't know that Akihito watched them on the security cameras on his large digital screen, he chuckled as he loaded his gun.  Then he hands the gun to someone and the man takes it.

Walking out of the office Inspector Zenigata stood in the three men's ways.

Lupin giggled: Oh pops I'm so glad you're alright! You know where Y/N is?  And why aren't you trying to chase after me with your handcuffs?

Zenigata shook, his temple began to sweat, Jigen turns around and sees thee were guards blocked off behind them.  Zenigata held up a gun pointing it at Lupin.  His hands trembled holding the gun out.

Lupin realized he had no guns himself: P-Pop's what are you doin? You just wanna put me in prison remember? You would never try to kill me would you?

Zenigata kept a grip on his gun hesitating to pull the trigger.  Then...Akihito walks up behind the Inspector chuckling deeply.

Akihito: What are you so nervous about Inspector? One bullet in his head and you'll live in an unstressed life forever.  

Zenigata's breath shook: I-...I~

Lupin the Third Part 1- Jigen's HeartWhere stories live. Discover now