Chapter 1 The Badass

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The rain came down in fast, small droplets all over campus. It was my first time being in Montana and it was cold, though the pamphlet I picked up at the bus stop four hours back said it was usually sunny here. It took me around a whole day to get here, twenty hours at the least, and it felt like my bones were covered in ice. I could see my breath in the air. Kids were filing into the front building from every direction. Some kids had luggage and boxes even a couple crates, all I carried was my red, white, and black duffel bag, my black jacket, and the clothes on my back as well as the few possessions in my bag. It was worn from time going places, running to places, running from places, running from people. Yes I can say that I've run away from cops more than most people, I mean I'm an orphan come on, but it was because i had lived on the streets all my life I mean what can you do, I had to survive. The cops just wanted to put me in foster care and believe me I've been there, not fun. So I stole to survive, slight of hand to fool people, it wasn't the best way to make a living but I'm fifteen I can't get a job, no one would hire me, believe me I've tried. They say that I'm a hazard, I have no legal guardian and no medical insurance incase I get hurt on the job so that's my life.

This was the first school I had been too in a long time. I have no parents, no family, no home. I was by myself in this big old world, but at least I had no one to answer to. That was the best part of my life so far, my own rules, my own way, my own life, and no one could take it away from me. The only reason I was here is because I got a letter handed to me a few days ago by an older guy in a trench coat. Mysterious man and kinda creepy. So being a person who has never trusted people I was extremely on edge. The letter said that they could perfect and someday use my skills, whatever that means. The hallways were crowded as I tried to find my first class, and tried to stay out of everybody's way. I'd be finding my dorm later. There were all kinds of kids all different races, shapes, and sizes. A smart looking girl past right in front of me and I had no idea where my first class was so I didn't hesitate when I lightly tugged on her frizzy curl infested hair. She turned like a shark fast and agile. "What the hell!" I stood there stock still as her focus fell upon me turning friendly again. Not only did she look confident but she also looked like a badass. "Oh hi!" She said trying to let me hear her over the crowd. "What do you want?" She said hastily. I swallowed. "Um I'm looking for slaughter mechanics one o one." "What's your name?" She said kinda rudely. "Um?" "It's Danielle." She pushed up her glasses onto the bridge of her nose and fixed her black wrist length lace gloves. Her brown eyes were warm and comforting but could slice through your soul in an instant. Her dark tan skin smelled like vanilla and mint. She was tall maybe five seven or eight. Just a little bit taller than me actually. She was wearing a dark purple dress and black combat boots complete with black lace stockings. The golden cross lace choker around her neck sparkled. She kinda put me on edge she didn't look like a girl you'd want to be in a fight with, I mean she looked like she could kick my teeth in while reading, grinning while she did it too.

Her voice snapped me out of my trance. "Well Danielle, it's three doors down take this hall to the right." She said pointing in the direction that I needed to go where a kid just tripped knocking over some prissy girl in pink's luggage, making her face turn red as she shouted at him. "Thanks." I said cracking the smallest smile I could muster. "Don't mess with those assholes in the corner." She said pointing to a group of four guys and two girls that were looking around the room like they were trying to find their next murder victim. "Their trouble." She said shaking her head. I nodded. "Will do." I responded sternly. "And stay away from the man in the trench coat." "If you see him." "He keeps knives underneath it and will try to stab you with them." "Understand?" I nodded my head a little vigorously. Could she be talking about the same man that had handed me the letter? I thought quietly to myself. "Don't let the girls in the halls get to your stuff either they'll vandalize it." "Ya hear?" I smiled, "Yes ma'am." "Humph." She said satisfied that she had gotten her point across. She started walking away from me, but before she could disappear completely I called out to her. "Hey!" I said as loud as I could, she turned around. "Yeah?" She asked raising her right arm and then letting it drop like a dead fish. "What's your name?" I said a little louder so that she could hear me. She gave me a brilliant smile that reached her eyes.

"It's Isabel."

And that's when she disappeared into the crowd leaving me alone again.

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