Chapter 23 The Reaper

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"What." I said irritatedingly popping the "T". "Are we." "Waiting for?"

One of the men twitched his right shoulder vexingly as if I was right next to him jabbing his jacket with my pointer finger every two minutes.

The Dean just stood there looking at his watch and pacing back and forth every few minutes makeing himself look like a complete dumbass. I quite enjoyed it, seeing as though that this might be the last time I ever get to think freely again. I guess being cynical has it's perks.

A moment later the giant doors to the front of the church creaked open and I crained my head around my shoulder as much as I could with the men holding me and saw a man in a dark suit, even darker than the Dean's step in with four other similar looking men behind him and three more thug looking men behind them. The heels of their buisness shoes clicked against the floor, the taps echoing throughout the church. The hairs on my neck went ridged with every step and a tinge of anxiousness hiked up my spine making it tingle and go numb. I hated this feeling, no, I loathed this feeling. It was like the feeling you get right before a badly planned jump scare happens in a horror movie, you know it's coming but you have no way to prepair yourself for it.

The clicking of his heels got louder and louder with every step he took twards us until he stopped right behind me, making my whole body go cold. He circled me until the tops of his black business shoes were right at my eye level.

"Hello Danielle." At the sound of my name spoken so coldly, I abruptly jerked up my head. A very handsome young man maybe in his early twenties gazed down at me. He had short golden curls which stood out against his dark attire, and a smile meant for the devil. "My name is Arthur, Arthur Shade, but you can call me The Reaper."

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