Chapter 5 Love, Pain, Anger, & Remorse

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      Sunlight cracked through my window hitting me straight in the face. It was blinding. I sat up in my bed and stretched. Everything hurt, and I mean everything. My neck, my shoulders, even my spine felt like it was on fire. I slowly came to a standing position trying not to tweak anything. I was still in my clothes from the day before and I felt grimy. I never got a chance to explore my bedroom yesterday or last night so I decided to check it out. My bed had purple and black covers that were detailed in a victorian style. My room was a deep brown wooden oak stretched all around the room. The bathroom was across the bedroom. I walked across the room and opened the wooden door. The bathroom was bigger than I expected. I walked over to my bag that was on a chair in the corner and pulled out a black pair of stretch leather pants and a long sleeved purple shirt as well as a new pair of undergarments a black bra and my favorite pair of teal underwear. I brought my stuff into the bathroom with me but not before I took my only pair of black boots off and placed them outside the bathroom. I set my clean clothes on the toilet and closed the door locking it. I started to remove my clothing as well as turning on the water letting them drop to the floor. When the water was hot enough I stepped in. I let the water run down from the top of my head cascading down to my feet. There was a small unopened box of soap and two small bottles like the ones you find in hotels. I picked up the box and read the lettering on the back.

"Free soap, shampoo, and conditioner, are provided only once for incoming students. All products thereafter students will have to purchase at the student market that's at the end of the month once a month." "Thank you for attending Aloysius Assassins Academy!"

        Ok. I thought. I opened the box and pulled out the soap setting the box back on the soap rack. Despite the pain I scrubbed my arms first and then every other part of my body until I was convinced that I was clean. I stepped out and grabbed the towel that was on the rack to the left of me. I dried off and then wrapped my hair in my towel. I then started to put on my clothes. I slid on my under garments pretty easily but my stretch leather pants were a little more challenging considering that I couldn't get every drop of water off my legs. I pulled my long sleeve purple shirt over my head. As I was pulling it down I looked in the mirror and saw a huge bruise on my back. I stopped pulling my shirt down and started pulling it up. Oh my god. The bruise stretched from my left shoulder all the way down to the tale bone of my spine. Ugh it was so ugly. That was going to take forever to go away. I gently poked my skin and pain rocked through my shoulder bringing tears to my eyes. If poking it brought that much pain what was fighting going to do. I pulled my shirt down carefully, but it didn't cover all of my bruise. I looked for anything to cover it until I spotted my black leather jacket with my clothes from yesterday on the floor. I picked it up and slid it painfully over my shoulders. When I looked in my bathroom mirror I noticed that it covered the rest of the bruise. Great. Now all I had to do was make sure nobody saw it the rest of the day. I unwrapped my hair from my towel and brushed it out.

    I exited out of my bathroom, closing the door behind me. I was in my room again I looked for anything that I needed before heading to breakfast but I felt ok. I stalked over to my door and yanked it open I was looking down when I ran into something, no not something, someone. I stumbled back a little as I became unbalanced and I felt and arm place itself on my bad shoulder. I bit down on my tung to keep myself from having a reaction. When I became stable again I looked up at the someone I had just plowed into. And that someone was Reece. He removed his hand from my shoulder and I was grateful. "Hey hot head." He said smiling. I sighed. "Hey." I tried to say with the least amount of pain in my voice. "What's wrong?" His face had concerned lines running through it. I waved my hand. "Oh it's just a little pain." I said hoping, praying he would just leave it at that.

  She was lying, I could tell. What was she hiding? She was obviously in a lot more pain than she was letting on. I'd find out what it was sooner or later. But for now I just smirked.

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