Chapter 3 Seat Of War

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We had Emma and Isabel in the front. A semi tall girl with blond hair and brown roots was in the middle along with her partner a girl just inches shorter than me with shoulder length brownish red hair and braces. And I had to admit we looked pretty bad ass. I was in the back like I had intended in my plan holding up the rear. The other team looked scary and brutal but they were like in a cloud no formation no structure, I hope having one gives us some sort of advantage. My team looked like they were ready to break some skulls. And that was a good thing, to strike fear into the hearts of your opponents is a good tactic. The girl in the middle of our group with the brown hair didn't pick up a weapon how was she going to protect herself? I was about to say something when our teacher came into the middle of the gym floor. "Ok you have your teams, and both of your groups are ready to be the first to fight yes?" He shouted the question I responded along with everyone else saying yes but I couldn't help but think of the girl in front of me with no weapon, so I spoke up. "Hey where's your weapon?" I shouted out to her. Our instructor was about to start the fight and I started to panic, I didn't want this girl to be defenseless. "Hey!" I shouted a little louder. As soon as I said that her partner turned around. "Hey will you shut up!" "She's trying to concentrate." "What do you mean?" I asked. She looked at me like I was the biggest idiot that she had ever seen. Emma yelled at me from up front. "She's calculating!" "Just let her do her thing!" Emma had a stressed look on her face. Calculating! Were they crazy! What does that even mean?!

      Unfortunately I didn't have any more time to argue on the subject because it was time to get into battle mode. I closed my eyes and tried to focus, shutting out all other voices besides my group, and our teacher. All the people on the stands, the apposing team, even the loud speakers in the gym spitting out random kids names every seven minuets. The fight bell rang and it was like an alarm went off in my system. Survival mode was here. And I was in the seat of war.

    The other team came charging at us with all of there might but like I said they had no formation so they were all over the place. The first couple of people got past Emma and Isabel and they came charging toward the rest of the girls on our team hitting the middle hard knocking over the reddish brown hair'd girls partner, the one that yelled at me before. But right before she hit the went down all the way she snagged something onto her opponent pant leg and then hit the floor rolling to the side coughing, but she had a smile on her face as if she knew something that we all didn't. Her opponent came after me next but before she could even strike a blow she was electrocuted right in front of me. As she fell to the floor I looked at my team mate, the one that had rolled to the side, I gave her a questioning glance but she just smiled and winked at me.

Isabel had been fighting two at once until one of her attackers came after me. He was a almost a foot taller than me considering I was five foot six but I was not so easily intimidated, I mean you know what they say the bigger they are the harder they fall. I braced my self as he struck down hard with his tachi a sword not only bigger that mine but more durable. I struggled to keep hold of my sword but I got my chance and I made my move, while my opponent was distracted by the standoff on the upper sections of our body's I kicked out with my right foot knocking him down onto his side he rolled onto his back and I was there like a nightmare taking the butt of my sword and slamming it into the side of his head near his temple, not enough to kill him but enough to knock him out for a while.

    When I looked up from what I had done I saw that my team mates had all struck down there opponents as well. The girl who had been "calculating" must of done something because a girl was on the floor screaming and holding her head. Our instructor blew the whistle and the match was over. "Ok trainees!" "You've done well now this is an eliminating system you move up now!" "The team you have defeated will no longer participate in this competition and tomorrow you will be versing the winners of the next match, and the next, until it comes down to the final two teams once the victors reign supreme they will be the representatives of our schools fight program and will compete against other schools." "Ok thank you for your participation!" "Please exit the floor and hang up your weapons on the rack!" We walked over and I hung up my weapon as well as Emma and another girl from the other team who was ok enough I guess to get up but she looked severely beaten up. As I walked back from the weapons rack our instructor shouted at the next crowd to get to the floor. I ran back onto the floor and helped my teammates pick up the girl on our team that had been knocked down. "I'll take her to the nurse." Emma said as she helped scrape the girl off the floor. "Ok." Is all I said.

       Isabel came over to my side and slung her arm around my shoulder. "Not bad kid, not bad." I smiled. "Thanks." She walked with her arm around me till we came out of the gym. "Hey I'll catch you later, I have to get to my next class." She snapped her fingers and pointed two fake hand guns at me and waved them around. That made me laugh. "Ok see yah later." She winked and then disappeared into the crowd that was piling out of the training room. All the kids around me made way for me to walk patting my back. "Not bad newbie!" "You showed them!" A couple of kids shouted through the crowd. "You guys are epic warriors!" A girl said as she saw me. I walked out a little later looking for my next class, stealth and resourcefulness feeling good about the day ahead.

(I hope you enjoy this chapter I'll try to update again and hopefully it's soon! Sorry it took so long! Enjoy!)

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