Chapter 8 Falling Apart

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They charged at us. I set arrows flying into the mass. Some were jumping down from the trees and joining the army. The dean came onto the intercom telling everyone to disregard his earlier order to stay in there dormitory's and to arm themselves with any weapons they could find. He said to watch each other's back. "Be strong and fight hard do not let them win this battle." Were the last things he said to us before the enter com turned off.

We were the eyes in the sky helping wherever we could. We were slinging arrows into the hearts of our enemy's saving student after student who couldn't see there second or third opponent approaching. There were so many, my arms started to ache, this nightmare was never going to end.

Suddenly a giant explosion sounded throughout the school, shaking everything within a ten mile radius. I lost my balance and fell to the crows nest floor.

My ears were ringing, my stomach was churning. My side burned like it was being set on fire. I recovered and stood up just to see an entire section of the right wing had crumbled to pieces. My heart sank. The enemy's forces started to retreat leaving us to fall apart.

I didn't even wait for Reece I took off down the crows nest stairs leaving my weapon behind. I felt a few sharp pains in my side as I ran but it didn't matter I'm not important at the moment. I had to get to the right wing. I twisted through hallway after hallway until I ran straight out the giant front wooden doorway. I ran to the right wing of the school and already saw people running out behind me. I was the first one to start digging in the rubble scraping my hands against the jagged stonework I frantically move piece after piece, even dragging away the bigger pieces until I saw a hand covered in blood among the rubble. I looked around at the people who had come out behind me just standing there. "Well help me!" I screamed at them. Snapping out of their daze's they started helping me remove the rubble and debre. I pulled on the arm and a body slid out. Isabel's body. Her left hand was clenched tightly to something still inside the rubble when I looked inside the opening we had made I realized it wasn't something but someone. Isabel's hand was grasping the shirt of Emma. Her small face was covered in cuts and bruises. I felt the presence of two figures behind me and quickly realized that it was Nico and Reece. "Help me!" "Please!" Tears were running down my face. Emma was wedged in the rubble so tightly. Nico took Isabel taking her grip off of Emma's shirt and dragging her away from the rubble and onto the open grass. Almost the entire school had come out to see what was happening. I squeezed myself in further ignoring Reece's pleas to be careful and grasped Emma's shirt pulling her with all of my strength towards me. As she got closer to me I backed out of the whole and put my feet up against the rubble like it was a wall and yanked her out. I fell back with her on top of me. Carefully I slid out from under her and kneeled between her and Isabel. Someone had called the nurses from the infirmary and she was running across the field with a defubilator. Nico put his head against Isabel's chest. After a few seconds he lifted his head. "Her hearts beating." He said. I did the same to Emma listening for anything but there was nothing. I started breathing really hard tears coming to my eyes. "Her." I was choking up so badly I couldn't talk. "Her hearts not beating!" I screamed. The nurse finally arrived by my side, I got out of her way. She removed the defubilators from there case and started rubbing them together. She brought them down hard on Emma's  chest and I watched as her body convulsed from the electrocution. She did this over and over again trying to get her heart started. She checked her heart again and then did it three or four more times and once she checked again she declared a pulse, Emma was alive. "We have to get these girls to the infirmary asap." The nurse said. She called in on her walkie talkie for anyone who could bring two gurneys she finally got a response from a guy named Lyle who sounded like he was sixteen or seventeen years old.

Lyle, I guess and other members of the infirmary brought out the gurneys and we started helping them get Isabel and Emma on. Lyle, Reece, and I got Emma onto the gurney, while Nico and a few others were getting Isabel, but as we were getting ready to roll them inside I caught Lyle dazed in thought starring at Emma I cleared my throat loudly at him. "Oh, sorry." He said to me and then addressed the rest of his team. "We need to get them in now!" He shouted. Everyone started rushing inside and I tried to run after them but I was in too much pain. Reece looked at me worriedly as we tried to keep up and I shook my head. "I'm not important right now they are." I mouthed at him. He nodded leaving the subject alone. I walked as fast as I could but I was in pain. I bit down on my lip trying to focus the pain in my hands somewhere else. We sped like lightning, bursting through the infirmary doors. Beds were set in big rooms. There was two beds to each room and two was all we needed. We wheeled Emma and Isabel into room 116 where it took us twenty minuets just to get them into the beds. The nurses were to busy attending to Isabel and Emma to even notice me. I stepped out of the room to get out of there way, I was feeling really dehydrated and cold at the same time. I walked down the hallway trying to stay clear of nurses and doctors wheeling in other people. I need water I didn't get very far down the hall before I collapsed to the ground. I tried to pull myself up but it wasn't working. My hands were stinging. I felt so light headed. Water. I just needed some water. I was dragging myself across the floor. My throat felt like a desert my mouth tasted like sand paper. I dragged myself across the floor towards a cart. I grabbed onto the bottom and tried to grab the second shelf but as I started to pull myself up I weighed down the cart to heavily and it toppled down onto me. I let out a painful scream of frustration. I started panting my skin was freezing. "Help!" I yelled. It would of been loud if it wasn't for my dry throat. My entire body felt heavy. I saw a flash of black and then light again burning my eyes. I kept being drawn in and out of night seeing flashes of day. My stomach felt like it was being churned with an egg beater. I was falling apart. My injury was still burning with an intense fire when was this going to end. My body started to fill up with this painful numbness and then, nothing. I blacked out.

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