Chapter 10 They're Going To Pay I'll Make Sure Of It

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My nurse Cathy brought in the wheelchair and it only took a few horribly pain filled minutes to get comfortably situated before Reece could wheel me out of my infirmary room. We passed by door after door on our way down the hallway and unlike mine they all had a window on the door. I could see all the horribly injured kids, some were even too horrific to stare at for too long. "How about some lunch huh?" I almost had forgotten that Reece was behind me pushing the wheel chair. "Huh, yeah sure." He walked while I rolled through the hallways until we came to the giant doors to the dining commons. "Danielle a lot of people saw what you did for Isabel and Emma, your practically famous." "Really?" I said astonished. "Me famous I mean come on?" He spoke confidently, "So just for warning you they might get a little bit crazy."

One of the teachers saw us by the door and came over. "Here let me." He pushed open the door's so that they opened at the exact same time, they swung inward slowly revealing table, after table, after table of students as soon as people turned there heads voices from everywhere started to die out. Reece rolled me down the isle to the deserted table in the corner where I had sat the last time I had gotten attention like this. "I'll be back with food, you gonna be ok if someone tries to bug you?" I laughed a little. "Nothing that I can't handle." He nodded his head sternly. As soon as he walked off the conversations got louder and louder. "She looks like crap." "Hey, shut up!" "Show some respect!" "She and her team are the reason why we're alive you jerk." I laughed to myself, what irony, I'm practically famous and I don't really give a damn. I looked around and saw a pair of girls walking my way. They were both about average height, one had short blondish brown hair and the other one had just straight brown, the first one looked determined her eyes never left me her friend behind her looked a little worried and kept whispering at her but the determined girl just kept ignoring her. She walked straight up to my table and stopped right I front of it it wasn't until they came up close enough that I saw the determined girl had a cast on her right arm and a bunch of cuts on her face, her friend underneath her thin shirt, I could tell that her shoulder was bandaged.

"Can I help you?" I asked actually curious to see why they had come up to me. Stares were coming from everywhere I even looked across the room to see Reece making a face he was about to come over when I made a face at him telling him that I was fine. The girl in front spoke up. "I'd just like to say thank you, if it wasn't for your warning I'd of been a lot worse." "And uh, my friend here would of been dead if it wasn't for you and your friends, so again thank you." She looked almost scared of me like I would lash out at any minute, but I guess I was the only one to blame for that. "Thank you." I said quietly. "It's nice to know that I'm helping instead of hurting this school and it's students." She smiled at me, and her and her friend started walking away. "Hey!" I shouted at them. They turned around. "Where you going?" They looked at me surprised. "I don't have any friends today, and it wouldn't hurt to make some new ones." "Come sit." They looked at each other a little nervous. "I promise I won't bite." They each laughed at me and sat down. "What are your names?" I asked nicely. The determined girl with the arm cast spoke first. "I'm Rachel, and this.." She pointed to the girl with the shoulder bandage. "This is Sierra." "Nice to meet both of you." I said semi happy. I looked over to see Reece coming towards us with two girls trailing behind him and let me tell you I have never been so happy too see any two people in my entire life.

Shelley set her lunch down on the table before coming over to give me a hug, Maggie did the same. "You look like hell darlin." Shelley said in a fake country accent. "Yeah you look like crap." Maggie chimed in. I smiled. "Thanks guys." They sat down at the table leaving a space for Reece to sit beside me so he could hand me my food. When he did sit down he slid my lunch in front of me. "Thank you." I said softly to him. He spoke quietly. "Your welcome." I smiled and turned my head back to the rest of the table. Shelley, Maggie, this is Rachel and Sierra." "There cool so be nice." Shelley and Maggie laughed at the same time. "Yes Danielle." They said in unison. I shook my head and laughed despite all this horror in our lives we can still laugh about the small things. "So..." "Maybe it's a little too soon to talk about this but do you guy's know who attacked us, and why?" Rachel asked, Sierra nodded at her question. Reece, Maggie, and Shelley turned their head like vultures and made death faces at them but I stopped it. "Hey guy's it's ok." They eased up there stares a bit relaxing themselves. I took a deep breath and sighed trying to keep the peace. "Well we don't know who they are, but it doesn't matter, either way they're going to pay." I got stern looks from everyone. "And I'll make sure of it." Rachel and Sierra nodded, there was understanding and sympathy in there faces as they started to eat. I picked up my fork and stabbed into my chicken and raised it to my mouth. "I'll make sure of it." I repeated softly, my mind drifting off thinking of who could do such a thing to our school, and like Rachel said,

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