Chapter 6 I'm Never Wrong

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It has been almost six days and Isabel hasn't spoken a single word to anyone of us except for Nico. The last time she spoke to me was right after the match. I was giving her some space because I understood but it was hard to explain to the others what had happened. My recovery was going smoothly my body was still sore though I've been lifting weights on my own time to make sure my arms are strong. Laps around the school have made me faster and my endurance has doubled almost over night. But according to Reece, the dean, and the nurse from the infirmary, I still had some more recovering to do before I could compete again. And I can't wait until I go back, I was getting kinda impatient actually. I was running early in the morning with my headphones in waiting for Reece to come by and run with me like he'd promised to do when I felt a presence beside me. She was in athletic sports wear and she had on an exercise t-shirt and a pair of elastic black short shorts that were meant for running. And last but not least a good pair of jogging shoes. Ok. I thought. Lets make this interesting. We were rounding the back of the school near the training structure when I took an abrupt right heading down a small path that led into the woods that surrounded our school. Isabel didn't even hesitate she just followed me strait through the first four towering trees into the woods. Everything was covered in moss and fresh dew. We were running on a sort of trail that looked really old. We were jumping over logs and fallen trees, making zig zags in the brush wherever we turned there was just more and more trees and everything was just green, lush greens of all shades. It was quite beautiful. We came across a stream and that's when we stopped. Isabel had quickly sunken behind a log and she looked terrified. Noises were coming not so far off in the distance from people who sounded not so friendly. My pupils shrunk in terror. I dropped down beside her. "No it's not possible!" I whispered to her. "No one can get within a hundred miles of this place without notifying the school!" "How the hell did they do it?" "I don't know." She said. "Why don't you go ask them?" She said sarcastically. I punched her in the arm. "Oww!" She yelped quietly. "That's what you get!" I hissed at her.

"We have to get back to the school an warn them, but how?" "We can't let them see us." I whispered. "Yeah." She whispered. "But how do we do that exactly?" She whispered out loud. I raised my eyebrows and looked up into the canopy of all the trees. "You've got to be kidding me." She said. "Hey I thought you were part of the natural assassins clan." "I am." She breathed out. "But that doesn't mean I'm not afraid of heights!" She said frantically. I snorted. "Well it looks like we're both screwed." I said. She looked me in the eyes. "Because I am too."

      I was going to meet Danielle out here for laps around the school and obstacle course on the training structure but she was nowhere to be found. I was just going to jog with her so that maybe we could have a normal conversation and get to know each other better but it looks like that's not going to happen. Why do I always get a bad feeling when I can't find her? Why do I always get the feeling that she's about to get hurt? I shrugged off the feeling and decided to just wait for her but after fifteen minutes she didn't show up. Now was when the panic set in, she's been late before but never this late. Five more minuets went by and I was completely freaked out. What if she got beat up again. Nico was walking down one of the halls near the training structure and he looked a little worried. "Hey Nico!" I shouted across the the small field of grass. His head swiveled in my direction. He jogged towards me. "Hey mate!" He said as we grabbed hands and gave each other a hug. "Hey have you seen Danielle?" I asked he shook his head. "No, have you seen Isabel?" He asked me. "No." I responded. We starred at each other for a minuet. "You don't think they could be in any kind of trouble, do you?" He asked me. I scoffed. "Ha." "Knowing them, there probably in all sorts of trouble."

       The tree was easy to scale because of all the branches that were attached to it but it was putting pressure on my arms I fought through the burning sensation of pain in my shoulders and back as I went up branch after branch. Isabel was right behind me, we were doing pretty well for being two girls who were afraid of heights. I stopped in the upper middle section of the tree and looked down. That was a very bad idea. We were about ten to fifteen feet from the ground. "Ooo." I said quietly closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. "What?" Isabel said turning her head to look down. "No, no, no!" I whispered. "Shit!" She said as she clung to the tree with all her strength. "We're gonna die." "We're gonna die." "We're gonna die." She repeated over and over again. "Shhh!!!" I hissed at her. "We're not going to die!" "We're going to be fine!" Just then we heard the snapping of some twigs. Two figures came into view below us. "How many more miles until we reach the school!" A male voice asked. "Patients." A woman's voice said. "It should only be two or three." We waited until they were far enough away for us to move. They were moving fast but they didn't know that they were going in the right direction. But we did. "Ok Isabel." I said.  "Yeah?" She said terrified. "To get to the school faster than them were going to have to do something crazy." She looked at me. "When was the last time we did anything sane?" I raised my eyebrows and smiled. "Exactly."

          Nico and I walked up to the dean's office and knocked. "Come in." He grumbled. We entered his office quickly and stood in front of his desk. "What's the problem now?" He was leaning back in his leather chair reading a book. "Sir, two students are missing." I said. The dean sat up in his chair and threw the book he was reading into his desk. "What?" "No, no." "Let me guess." He said throwing his hands up.  "It's Austin, isn't it?" "And I'm guessing one of her friends." I nodded my head. "How'd you know?" I asked. He snorted. "Because Reece." "You and Nico wouldn't of burst in here if it was any other students." I didn't deny it, and neither did Nico. He was right.

          I was still in the same tree with Isabel psychologically preparing myself for what we were about to do, and I think she was too. The intruders were only a few feet ahead of us, and we were not only trying to catch up with them but get ahead so that we could warn the school. I backed up in the canopy against the tree. With all my strength I pushed off running along the branch. I was suspended in time for a single moment it was terrifying and exciting at the same time. When I reached mid air I forced my arms forward as I grabbed onto a branch of a different tree. I was dangling downward. I couldn't believe it. I'd made it. Wincing I pulled myself up clinging to the bark until I steadily perched myself upon the branch. I was breathing really hard. I looked up and shared a surprised expression with Isabel. "Ok." I mouthed to her. "Your turn." She nodded.

        If Danielle could do it then so could I. So could I. I copied what she did by backing up against the tree. I took off putting all the strength I had into my legs. I was terrified as I became airborne feeling nothing but air whipping through my curl infested hair. I reached for the same branch but my hand slipped off the bark and I couldn't get ahold of anything but air. My eyes shrunk and my heart stopped as I started to fall downward. "Dani!" I yelped. This was it I was going to die. I was going to fall down and hit the forrest floor and become a fuzzy pancake. I was going to give us away and after I died they'd find Danielle and do heaven knows what to her. I knew I was a goner until a hand grabbed ahold of mine. Danielle had caught me. "Don't let me go." I said. Her face was strained. I knew this was hurting her. "Never." She said as she yanked me up far enough for me to pull myself up. I got myself onto the branch safely. "Well that went well. " Danielle said. I laughed. "Yeah." "Ready for the next one?" She asked me. I looked over at the next tree it looked a little further of a jump than the last one. The jump would be hard but not impossible. I looked her in the eye and nodded my head. "Ready."

       "I'm going to put the school on a mandatory lockdown until there found." "I need her alive." "Hopefully they did something stupid, like go to the library to read a book and forgot about the time." He looked at me after he said that sentence. Somehow he knew about the night I had lost Danielle. But how could he? And why would he need her? He picked up the phone on his desk and before you knew it sirens were sounding off everywhere over campus. All the students were ordered into the gym for roll call. Maybe I was overreacting. Maybe she just got lost in the crowd of people and just couldn't get to training fast enough. Maybe Isabel was in her dorm studying. Maybe they were doing a lot of things. Some people say that I worry to much, but when it's someone I care about, no, when it's someone I love, I can never worry too much. But somehow telling myself that there fine didn't help me, because I knew it was a lie. There never fine. I have a hunch that something isn't right. And I'm never wrong.

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