Chapter 16 THEY'RE AWAKE!

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I was screaming. The last thing I remember was the stamp. The big red stamp. Now I'm staring at the top of the trunk of whatever kind of car I'm in, with my hands and feet tied together separately with cables. My hands are tied in front of me as well. Stupid mistake really, I mean they are amateurs at best. They probably expected that I would be knocked out for a while which I probably was, but jokes on them I'm awake now! I remember a white van before I passed out, I guessed they moved me into a less suspicious vehicle, it doesn't really matter as long as I can get out of this alive. I have slowly rotated so as to not make a sound, where my feet are facing the opening of the trunk instead of before where I was laying lengthwise. As soon as they open the trunk, BAM!, foot to the face. Like I said. Stupid.

We hit a series of bumps and they jolt me so hard that I bounce up and bash my head against the inside of the trunk. MOTHER-FUMMMM! The words scream in my head but the only thing that escapes my mouth is a light pain filled groan. I'm going to have a knot on my head, and it's not going to be a small one...

I look around me and there's nothing I can use to get out of my cables. I. AM. SO. SCREWED.

  The dean wasn't in his office or anywhere else for that matter and those folders with the red stamps marked on them, especially the one with Danielle's information on it, kept flashing across my mind. His is the only office with those files, that's where they keep all the records, and he's the only one allowed to touch them. And the bombs that the school got hit with, landed nowhere near the dean's office, almost like it was planned. What if he's behind it all? The attacks, Danielle going missing, everything that's happened? I need to contact the board, the people that run this place. All this was going through my mind at a million miles a minute as I paced down the hallway heading back towards the entrance to the Academy. I grabbed the cellphone that I kept on me at all times incase of emergencies and started to dial the emergency school board number. I'm going to wait there until they arrive, so help me god! I raised the phone to my ear and waited for someone to pick up, after about six rings a very stern man's voice answered the phone. "This is Aloysius Assassins Academy emergency contact number." "This is for emergencies only." "Please state your emergency." I breathed in and then let everything systematically out. "We have what is believed to be a kidnapped student, the dean is nowhere to be found, and I am pretty sure you already know about the attack we had on the school." I don't tell him about my theory on the dean, as the man on the phone tells me to hold while he contacts the rest of the board and the authorities, I hear my name being screamed from down the hall.

  It's Nico and that boy from the infirmary that was there to help when Danielle pulled Emma and Isabel out of all that rubble, what's his name? Lyle, that was it. I shake my head at them not wanting anyone to disturb me. "Not now guy's." I walk away from them. "Reece!" I hear Nico call again, his British accent carrying in the light wind. "Reece!" I can hear them run after me. "Reece!" The last scream is so loud that I stop in my tracks for fear that he might stab me. "What." I say angrily as I turn around. The last scream hadn't come from Nico like I'd thought, it had come from Lyle, I never knew he could be that loud.  He was breathing heavily "They're awake!" "Reece, Emma and Isabel, are awake!"

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