Chapter 20 Open Road

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"Reece." Emma says quietly. "What do you mean by missing?"

I still had the folders in my hand and I set them into her lap. She opened the first one, the one that had Danielle's face on it. She didn't even bat an eye at the huge red letters, neither did Isabel when she opened the other two.

"Where did these folders come from?"

Emma's words registered with me before I spoke.

"These are the same folders that are only used in the student files in the deans office and they were scattered all over the cobblestone courtyard that you first see when you walk through the front gates." "They were all over the cobblestone like someone had dropped them."

Emma looked up at me. "So the dean-." I cut her off.

"He's nowhere to be found, neither is Lyle."

Emma's face turned with confusion. "Who's Lyle?" She asked.

I shrugged my shoulders at her. "He was one of the male nurses who was the first responder to the building that crumbled on you." "He helped take you to the infirmary." "I don't really know him." I said to Emma. And that's when the door to the room flew open.

"Speak of the devil." Says Emma. Lyle just looks around the room. "Shit!" He yells before turning around and bolting out the door. I look to Nico and skid out after him. As we race down the hall and the next, I realize we have now instigated a chase, and I'm going to win.

A nurse wheeling a cart got in Lyle's way and he knocked it and her over to create an obstacle for me. But being a trained assassin comes with its perks.

I ran straight for the right wall and bounded up it giving myself momentum and flipped over the cart landing on my feet. It took me a second to steady myself before I took up my chase again and bounded after him.

He led me outside across the courtyard. He was just about to reach the entrance and escape when a van came through the gate followed by a ton of others and knocked Lyle on his ass. I finally got close enough to him to make sure he stayed on the ground and I socked him in the face for good measure.

Before I knew it a bunch of officials in uniform came out of the vans and surrounded us. "Someone please help me restrain this guy!" "He might know where our missing student is!" Two guards came up to me and I handed Lyle over. They took him and faced him to me as I got up. I reached down ever so slightly and socked him in the stomach.

"Where is she Lyle!?"

He looked up at me and smiled.

I reared back my fist again and let i collide with his jaw. "Where is she Lyle!!!" He just spat out the blood in his mouth and looked up at me again.

"You disappeared Lyle!" "Didn't you think that would be suspicious!?" "Where is she!?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" His voice came out cynically.

My voice measured into a deep growl. "Someone hand me something sharp." I reached my hand out behind me and waited for a hilt to be placed in it. A few seconds went by before I felt the coolness of smooth metal touch my skin.

"Thank you." I said in the most polite voice I had.

I raised what I had been handed, a katana, to Lyle's throat and pressed it against his skin. "Where is she Lyle?" "I haven't seen you in a while just as Danielle goes missing." "And on top of that I saw you staring at Emma when we put her on the gurney like she was something you wanted to posses, so you can imagine what I thought when you just so of happened to come into her room, probably thinking she'd still be asleep so you could, oh I don't know, take her or something worse." "So unless you want me to slit your throat right here where you stand and let you bleed to death on the ground I suggest you tell me where Danielle, and the Dean are." I can hear people coming out onto the the courtyard when I look behind me I'm surprised to see not only Nico Emma and Isabel, but everyone else on Danielle's team as well. I see Lyle look at Emma and she just sternly shakes her head no.

Lyle sighs, defeated. "She's a few hours down the road from here in a white church." "That's where he's keeping Danielle, that's where he's going to kill her."

His last words ring soullessly through my ears like broken notes. I look to everyone else. "He rides with me, lets go!" I say pushing Lyle onto his feet and over into the backseat of one of the vans. All the people in suits start getting into there cars. Maggie yells at me before I can step into one of the cars. "Reece!" I look at her and see that she's got the biggest bag ever. "I've got all the weapons we'll need, everyone else are in the cars!" I gave her the most heartfelt grin that I have given to anyone in a long time. "Let's go get this badstard!" I step into the main car as Maggie gets into the one behind me. That's when I look to the man driving. "Move out!" He revs the engine and we take off, skidding from the courtyard and out onto the open road.

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