Chapter 17 She's Missing

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I can barely process what my friends have told me that the person on the phone has to say my name four times until I snap back to reality. "Sorry, sorry." His voice is stern. "We're sending multiple police search units, and three repair teams, including our head SWAT team member, and all their search dogs." "We'll be there in no less than thirty to forty minuets." I nod my head without saying anything as I watch Lyle stalk away purposefully probably having something to do in the infirmary and then returning my attention to the phone. "My friend will be here to greet you when you come, I have to take care of some important business." The man on the line scoffs. "What could be more important than a missing student?" His smartass attitude ticks my last nerve and I snap at him. "Telling both her back from the dead friends that they should of stayed dead because there friend might have been joining them!" I screamed so loud through the phone I could feel my ears and face turn red. "Just get here!" And with that I snap my phone shut.

Nico just stares at me, blinking his eyes like he was just hit on the side of the head with a baseball bat. "What are you staring at?" I say roughly. His eyes widen as he turns his head away from me. "Nothing, nothing at all." I huff exasperated. "Good, I'm going to tell Isabel and Emma." "And then I'm coming back." Nico nodded at me. "Yeah you do that." I nodded at him and took off towards the infirmary. I rounded corner after corner until I saw the infirmary's gigantic looming doors. I pushed past them and I caught the first nurse I saw. "Excuse me can you tell me what rooms Isabel Diez and Emma Harren are in." I say with extreme patients. She nods. "There in rooms c505 and c506, we put Isabel in there after her final operation, there both doing well." I nodded at her. "Thank you for the help." I started to run towards there rooms. Going number after number. I came from the opposite direction that the doors are numbered so I burst into Isabel's room, c506 first. My breath was heavy as I craned my head around the room. Nobody's here. What? I exit out of the room and try Emma's room c505. The knob twists with ease and the door opens wide. Sitting on the bed right next to each other, alive and bright with the exception of a wince or two from all there pain is Emma and Isabel. I started dumbly at them with surprise and shock, and I guess that's when I catch Isabel's attention.

"Hey Reece." "What's wrong?" Isabel says, her voice ringing through the dead air between all of us. I can't even speak. I'm just standing there frozen. Emma looks at the door and then pleadingly back at my cold blue eyes. "Where's Danielle?" I suck it a bit of air. I wish she'd never of asked me that question. Those are about the hardest two words anyone has ever said to me. And I answer without even knowing that my mouth is moving. And each tantalizingly small word, painfully burns my throat. "I don't know, she's missing."

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