Chapter 9 Karma's A Bitch Ain't It?

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My eyes were burning as I looked through the open window, I was so stiff and my mouth was beyond dry. I tried to sit up but there was sharp pains all over me. "Ah, oww, damn it." When I finally got to an upright position I heard a knock at my door.

"Come in." My voice was raspy and my throat was extremely dry. The knob twisted and in walked Reece. He looked relived. Before coming in fully to the room he called down the hall at the nurses. "She's awake!" He sounded exhausted, and his eyes were blood shot. He was wearing the same clothes as the last time I saw him. He practically ran to my bedside. "Wa." He looked at me trying to decipher what I was attempting to say. "Wat.." I coughed a few times and it made my whole body ache, I winced in pain. "What?" He asked me. There was a window on the opposite side of me on my right and it was pouring outside. I looked straight into Reece's eyes making sure I had his attention, then I let them travel to the window a bunch of times. He got up and went to the window. "Yeah I know it's raining it's been raining for a couple of hours now." I rolled my eyes at him. This obviously wasn't working. I lifted my hand a gestured for a cup of water. He looked at me then outside at the rain and the back at me. "Oh right I'm sorry."

He hurried back to the side of the bed that he was previously on and reached behind the bed and pulled a water bottle into view. He unscrewed the top and handed me the water bottle. I raised the bottle to my lips and poured the water into my mouth it's coldness spread throughout my throat and down into my stomach. I tipped the rest of the bottle into my mouth and gulped it down. When I talked again my voice sounded more like my own, more pure.

"Where is Emma and Isabel?" I asked him. His face turned into a frown. "How about some good news first." He said depressed. "Despite all that has happened, the doctors said they are going to release you as soon as you have woken up and now that you have there going to bring a wheelchair." He was avoiding my question. "Okay.." "That's great now answer my question."  "Where are my friends Reece." He sighed. "Danielle Emma has been in a coma for day's, and Isabel, Isabel, she's been in and out of the procedure room multiple times." "Emma has been stabilized, but Isabel, they don't know if Isabel will be able to survive. She needs new organs Danielle and we're waiting to get her some hopefully, soon." I couldn't believe my ears, Isabel could die.

"She needs a pancreas and a new small intestine." I knew how bad this was. "Where are they going to get the organs?" I asked already knowing the answer. He laughed softly. "The dean and medical staff came up with a brilliant idea that we would take them from the soldiers we cut down in battle preferably the ones Isabel defeated before she was injured." I smiled to myself, thinking this over. "Well karma's a bitch ain't it." Reece laughed at that. "Yes it is." He said turning his head to the window. "Yes." "It." "Is."


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