Chapter 18 You've Got To Be F*cking Kidding Me!

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The car that I'm in is starting to take less time before it has to turn, indicating, that wherever we're going is getting closer. I'm rocked back and forth multiple times before the car starts to roughly bounce up and down, like we're going over gravel or multiple speed bumps. Though, I'm sure it's the latter. As the car comes to a halt I'm prepared, ready for when that trunk door opens.

I hear the car doors open, and I hear the heavy trotting of two sets of feet coming towards me. I'm going to kick the shit out of these fucking assholes! I hear them round the end of the car and begin to open the trunk. I can hear the fumbling of the keys as they slide the correct one into the lock.


They lift it wide as the trunk door pops open, and that's when I explode.

My bound feet connect with the unsuspecting mans face first who's bent down about to retrieve me from the car, making everyone back up. When he's out of my way I hang my legs out of the back and use them to do a sit-up. I almost hit my head on the top of the trunk trying to get out but I manage to duck, just in time. One of the men comes towards me and I use my bound hands to beat him across the face. Haha, "knuckle sandwich." Is all I can think to say in my head. The other guy who I had kicked earlier comes at me on the side from the ground where he must of fell when I had given him a piece of my foot. I try feverishly to hop away, I must look like I entered a potato sack race and then they ran out of sacks so they had to improvise. But despite my frantic efforts I only make it about six feet from the car before I am body slammed to the ground, my face smashing itself on the gravel.

Both of the men grab me by the arms as they drag my struggling body up to a set of white painted creaky wooden steps, that I have just realized lead to a dove white church. It's a healthy size with Jesus hanging on a cross above the doors. "Am I here to repent for my sins?" "Because I'm sorry, I'm not really that religious..."

"Ohhhh shut up!"

The guy on my right says before he turns to face me and uppercuts his fist right into my stomach.

I double forward not able to curl up on my knees. "Get her inside!" They drag me forward letting my feet hit every single step until we get to the white painted wooden door. The man on my left reaches for the handle and pushes it open.

Inside is dimly lit by many unscented candles of all shapes and sizes, and we make echo's as our struggling footsteps pound on the wooden floor down the isle of pews. I know that churches are built to be acoustic, but at this moment I can't really take the time to appreciate it very well as every single step makes me feel as though it's another step closer to my inevitable death. Which, it probably is.

We take the last few steps to the alter when the men holding onto me, shove me down to my knees. I slam to the ground forcefully with the full weight of my body before the man on my right painfully yanks my head back with my brown hair, forcing my eyes to look at the alter.

Everything for a moment goes eerily quiet and all you can hear is the creaking rickety old church, and my exasperated breathing. Then, a squeak of a wood door erupts from the dark right corner of the church and a figure steps out into the light. Standing in the brightness of the candles is a tall lean figure wearing a mask. My guessing period of who it is, is over when the figure steps to the side and "he" steps out in a dark suit.

Low and behold in all his horrid gloriousness, is the dean.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me."

(That is the only picture I could find with those exact words. All the others were different variations😊.)

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