Chapter 22 Sank Deep And Shattered

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"So, why?" "Why am I here?"

"I found out about what you're doing, so why not just kill me right here, right now?!"

"Mmmhhhnmm." "Tempting," His voice rumbled, like the first sound of thunder before the storm. "Ever." "So." "Tempting." He circled me like a starving vulture.

"All I can say is that you are valuable, very valuable." "You're all valuable." "Worth a hefty price." "Worth more than you'll ever know." "To the right bidder of course."

His words sank in deep and chilled my soul. Right bidder? Valuable? What did valuable mean? Was I some precious diamond necklace being put up for auction at a rich, deceased, old ladies estate sale. Was I just waiting to be shown off at a grand ball by my next owner? Was I worth so much to this man to the point that when he saw me I was painted green and in the shape of a dollar sign with Benjamin Franklin's giant face plastered to my entire body just waiting to be collected?

How could a person determine your life to be worth so much, and yet so little? And not even bat an eye at how sick their thoughts are. It's terrifying.

And the fear I felt in that moment, froze my heart into cold hard stone, and I had to listen as it sank deep into the bottom of my stomach and shatter.

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