Chapter 2 The Sharpest Blade

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Slaughter mechanics one o one I found out was not only in the classroom but also had physical training. Fun. And today was like a field day.

I walked into the training room and their were kids of all ages, but the majority were teenagers just like me. All of the kids were sitting on the bleachers waiting for our instructor to arrive so I sat down with my stuff in the second row next to a boy with dark brown hair darker than mine and he had hazel eyes, he looked like he'd be taller than me or Isabel the girl you could kinda call my first friend at this school. I spotted a few red heads with freckles. And a couple of brunettes like me. But what caught my eye was a small girl in the top corner of the bleachers. She looked a little out of place actually. She looked kinda shorter than most of us, and she was wearing a grey hoodie and these kinda ti dye jeans. From what I could tell she had these steely cold grayish blue eyes that assessed everything around her, from the idiots in the middle to the bitches on the side. She raised her head slowly and then scanned the room before her gaze fell on me. It felt like my body froze in a block of ice. Her expression was cold and unforgiving. She was like a scary porcelain doll, like she could kill you quickly and fast, silently in your sleep. What's was she starring at me for I'm sure plenty of new students came to the academy all the time so what was up?

"Ok!" Yelled a boy from the center of the training room, he was our sense, our instructor. He could only of been a few years older than me. He was tall and muscular, with a slight tan, and had really beautiful blue eyes that seemed to go with his raven black hair. He had a chiseled jaw line and he looked as if he had planned out wearing his thin t-shirt on purpose. "You'll be split up into eighteen groups each group will have five trainees got it!" He yelled across the gym. "Yes sir." Escaped from the lips of every boy, girl, and trainer in the room simultaneously. "You'll be versing each other in combat as group each group will work together to eliminate the competition!" "Last person standing from either group wins!" "You can have more than one person in your group still standing but as long as there's still competition you have to keep on fighting!" "Got it?" Everyone in the room responded again with a yes sir. "Good!" He yelled. "Now get started!" "Move!" Everyone started getting out of there seats so I followed suit.

When I got down to the gym floor from the bleachers I couldn't even move there was so many kids. I walked further into the massive crowd trying to find a group of teens to be with. I didn't know anyone so this was a little hard. I took a step forward but was jerked back after a hand was placed on mine. Whoever it was was strong and pulled me through multiple people. They finally let go when I was right in front of them I stumbled a little but when I looked up I smiled. It was Isabel. "Hey you're on my team got it!" She shouted over the crowd. I smiled. "Yes ma'am!" "Come with me!" She started pulling me away. We came up to a girl in a grey hoodie an I didn't realize until she turned around that it was the same girl from earlier that had been starring at me. "Danielle." Isabel said. "This is Emma Haren." Emma, I could tell, was assessing me. She was contemplating on what to say to me. Wether it be bad or good. "She looks strong." "We'll need her." Emma came closer to me giving me a hard stare. She had a lower voice than earlier as she tried to talk to me privately. "But if you fuck up." "Or you are a fuck up." She added coldly. "I'll kick your ass." And just to prove her point she went over to one of the weapon racks and picked up a katana and came back to where I was. She held it up inches from my face. "I'll cut you." And with that positive motivation she walked away from me and I was left to pick out my weapon.

There was anything and everything that you could imagine on the weapons rack. Daggers, katanas, bow staffs, nun chucks, axes, switch blades, ninja stars, even fire crackers. I picked up a katana, one just like Emma's and kept the blade down by my side, as I walked back to my group where Isabel and Emma were two other girls approached that would apparently be on our team. When I got close I just caught the last of the prep talk that Emma was giving to the new recruits as it ended with the usual threat that I guess she gave to everyone. When they walked away you could see the fear in there eyes. I smiled a little. Poor things, it was only the first day and Emma was already chewing our asses out. "Ok!" Emma said gesturing for me and Isabel to come over. "So how are we going to defeat them?" She asked. All three of us stood there for a few seconds thinking of good ideas, any ideas really. I was about to call over the rest of our team when Isabel spoke up. "We could hit them hard and fast all at once." I shook my head. "No, then all of our forces could be wiped out at once." I said mater of factly. "She's right." Emma added. I looked at her wide eyed. Where the hell did this come from? I'm right now? Instead of being a fuck up? Well at least she had a sharp mind, she wasn't stupid. She made a face at me. "What?" She asked coldly. I shook my head as if to clear my brain of cobwebs, and a little smirk appeared on my lips. "So we have to come up with a better strategy." I said. Emma rolled her eyes at me. "No shit Sherlock?" She said sarcastically. This girl was begging to make me angry. "So then why don't we let the fight come to us they'll charge where we'll have two of the strongest in the front." I said. "And then we'll have the two weaker girls in the middle." Emma interjected. "That's only four what about the fifth?" "The fifth will be in the back." I said quickly, slightly cutting off her last word. She nodded. "Ok then who will go where?" She asked. "Well that depends my friend." I responded. She looked up at me.

"Do you like your meat fresh, or tenderize?"

She gave me the most genuine smile that coming from her I might never see again.


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