Chapter 26 An Offer I Coulden't Refuse

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The church was already dark when I got here, but now that the sun was going further and further down Arthur Shade was instructing his minions to light more candles before he started speaking to me.

"Your school intends to auction you off to the highest bidder, anyone who will pay you for the assassination of their rivals or for the protection of themselves and their kin from their enemies, they will treat you like property."

"I, on the other hand, will take care of you." "I will pay you, give you food and lodging, provided, you handle my more unpleasant affairs."

"By you helping me, I rise." "And if I rise, you rise." "It'll be a good life, one that'll bring you fame, fortune, opportunity..." "Anything your heart desires will be within reach..." He elaborated with this hands, rotating them in grand circles, but his words really just sounded like a bad infomercial.

"I'll even dedicate resources to help you find and execute whoever killed your little brother."

Now he had my attention, and he utilized it.

"Yes, if you come with me you might get the chance to slit the bastard or bastards from gut to gullet." "And I already know you're stealthy enough to do it and not get caught."

"Come with me, Danielle." "Avenge him." "Avenge your brother."

I couldn't think. He had ordered them to kidnap me, he had enlisted the Dean to do his dirty work for him, and yet he was offering me something I couldn't refuse. How, how could I refuse this?

That's when I heard an enormous bang and the groan of the huge wooden doors open behind me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2018 ⏰

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