Chef Dracula

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As everyone left to process what they saw, the Tepes family and friends were off having a moment as Adrian was staring at the table, more specifically his hands as he kept playing the information over and over and over again in his head. "Adrian?" He looked up to who called his name and saw Greta looking at him with concern.

He blinked and said, "I'm alright."

Greta grabs his hands. "We're here for you. You know that, dont keep what's inside bottled up."

"I... I feel scared. Scared that I'll..." Adrian trailed off before his father finished.

"You'll end up like me."

Adrian nodded as Lisa now joined in holding Adrian's hands. "Oh my baby boy."

Adrian sighs, "The rage, the pain, all of it that I felt hearing I lost you and I couldn't protect your last gift to me. It made a darkness in me rise, I felt as if…" Soon another Adrian voice was heard, but this voice was full of regrets and emotional pain. "It was going to consume you and you would never be able to get out of it."

Dracula placed his hand on his son's. "Son, you're never going to be like that."

Alucard looked down, "Father I... I did become like that."

Lisa speaks up, "Adrian. You are a man of honor, a man of love, and a man who much like his father has found happiness and will do everything to keep it. You will not be Adrian Wick because we will make sure of it."

"Mother, you don't understand..." Adrian said. He confessed. "I met these two people who escaped from a vampire empress. They heard about the castle's teleporting technology and wanted to learn how to use it. I grew close to them... Until one night, they... Laid with me. Then they burned me with silver rope... Saying I was never going to show them." Tears began dripping down his tears. "I had no choice... But to kill them. I was so angry... I impaled them outside the castle."

Lisa and Greta both hug Adrian tightly trying to comfort him.

Dracula looked at him in shock before wrapping his arms around him. "Son…"

Adrian couldn't help but begin to cry once more while wrapping his arms around them.

His family wrap his arms around them, while off in the shadows Dracula could have sworn he saw his son's Wick counterpart as he mouths "Thank you." Before disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Dracula looked confused but shook it off as he kept his arms around his son.

As the family moment was being had, off with Carmilla and her sisters they were dealing with what they saw, which meant trying to calm down a very angry buff woman. "THEY KILLED HIS DOG! THEY DISRESPECT HIS HOME! FOR WHAT! AHHHHHH!" Striga let out a war cry as she punched a wall hard enough to dent it.

Morana placed a hand on her arm, "Striga, you have every right to be angry. I am too, but this will not help any of us."

"Morana, let her release her anger. It helps someone be calmer." Carmilla said while knelt down to scratch her panther's ear.

Lenore was sitting petting the beaver as she said, "How can they be so cruel, and the prince? He carries so much." The baby beaver just pats her face as if to say 'no be sad, is time for snuggles' as the panther purrs and softly headbutts Carmilla under her chin.

Striga sighed as she hugged her wife. "I know, I know. But if it was you." She stopped, not knowing what to say.

"Don't. Don't do that to yourself. Don't think about the ifs. It will do you no good." Morana said, caressing her wife's cheek before kissing her lips gently.

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