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[ROSENIVERSE][On a sunny spring day

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[On a sunny spring day... Though you can't see outside]
[ROSEQUARTZ is at an arcade?]

Hayoon: Have we already started shooting?

Miyoung: Hey, there's Tekken.

[Extremely excited from the start]
[Hello games!]

Miyoung: You know that Tekken is the real deal, right?

Jihye: Yes, of course.

Miyoung: Bring it on.

Nari: Do they have Raz here?

[Specialty of the ROSES babies. They crowd around anything that seems like fun]

Hayoon: I bet the arcade has all the games.

Nari: Everyone, come here.

[That's enough. Gather around my friends]

Nari: Not many places have the game, Raz.

Hayoon: I was just getting hungry. Thank you for the food.

Miyoung: I was getting hungry too. Thank you!

Jihye: Stop, everyone! Do we just eat?

Miyoung: Enjoy!

Nari: Whose idea was it to get Hawaiian pizza?

[Filled with pineapples]

Miyoung: Hawaiian pizza? Yes, the American ordered it.

[Hawaiian pizza? It's me!]
[I can't imagine having pizza without pineapples on it]

Nari: You were serious about the Hawaiian pizza.

[Kudos to her method acting]

Nari: You were serious.

Miyoung: Yes, I was. But it's not for Jihye.

Jihye: It's okay I'm eating other pizza.

[Very satisfied]

Jihye: Does anyone want cola?

Miyoung: Me!

Nari: I'd like some cola.

Hayoon: Cola.

Miyoung: This is my first time having a meal at an arcade.

Hayoon: Thank you. Can we start eating?

[I'm going to eat everything]

Hayoon: Who wants to play Dance Dance Revolution with me?

[Games over food]

Jihye: You'll lose to me, though.

Hayoon: Let's go play DDR.

Jihye: Okay.

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