Wake Up, Darling

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"How long has he been here?"

"I don't know. I just got here."

"Should we kick them out?"

"Mm? He might get angry and burn down the house."

Red Son heard the various whispers around him. He tried to ignore them but he couldn't. He pulled the covers over him and wagged his tail.

'What if it's that Noodle Boy? Did he finally realize that...that..'


He immediately jumped in the bed and ripped off the blanket in anger. Before he can burst into flames, he finally sees the faces of the people who were speaking about him.


His face felt hot, along with the rest of his body. He didn't know why he was silently freaking out but he was.

"Ahem! I am here too."

Red Son turned his head around to see a familiar face.

"Sun Wukong..."

"Yep, the one and only!"

He smirked to himself and posed. Red Son could care less that the formidable "Monkey King" was right in front of him. The only thing that he can care about was the Noodle Boy who was staring directly at him with a slightly redder face.

"Um, why are you in my bed?"

Red Son's ear twitched and he blew out a heap of steam from his nose. He then pinched the bridge of his nose before laying back down in MK's bed.

Sun Wukong, a bit annoyed, ripped off the blanket to reveal that the demon was barely wearing anything but his turtleneck leotard and a pair of boxers that was sloppily put on.


"I'm getting you out of bed."

Both Red Son and MK flushed at Wukong's bluntness. They both continued to stare at each other and without any warning Wukong lightly pushed MK onto the bed.

Luckily, Red Son caught him before plopping him on the other side of the bed.

"M-Monkey King?! Why did you do t-that?!"

"Well, this can be a benefit for both of us."

He sat on a cloud that appeared out of nowhere and grabbed a bag of peach chips. Both of the boys were extremely confused, then the cloud started to float away slowly towards the window.

"What d-do you mean, Monkey King?"

Wukong smirked before turning his head to the boy.

"Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer."

And with that, he was gone.

Red Son's heart began doing backflips and his tail rapidly hit the mattress. He looked at MK like an excited puppy.

"Wait...how did you get into my house?!"

"Eh, it isn't that hard since I can go wherever I want with a snap of a finger."

"Red Son, please go home and stop breaking into my house."

"Uh! Why are you treating me like a criminal?! I didn't even steal anything, yet.."

"What was that?"


MK sighed but then wagged his tail with embarrassment.

"Well I am going to take a shower, I smell like sweat and noodles."

"I can tell and it isn't that..pleasant.."

MK smiles and rolled his eyes before grabbing a change of clothes and underwear. He skipped into the bathroom leaving Red Son alone again.

Red fell back onto the bed and stared at the ceiling. A smile crept onto his face and his tail began hitting the bed.

"Wait..why have we been fighting for so long if we don't feel like enemies? My feelings don't feel right-"

MK slipped out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist. He had a nice toned body, visible abs, some battle scars, along with some surgery scars.

Red Son's jaw hit the floor and he couldn't stop staring.

"Y-You look rather hot for a peasant."

They immediately covered their mouth and hid under the blanket.



"I only came here to grab a shirt, I didn't mean to embarrass you."

He quickly grabbed a shirt and ran back into the bathroom leaving Red Son in a fit of embarrassment and a memory scarred in his brain.

"M-Mm...stupid Noodle Boy.."

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