Morning Cuddles

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The sound of an alarm clock rang throughout the house. A lil demon woke up to this noise annoyed then the monkey boy woke up but couldn't get up. He felt something heavy on his chest down to his legs.


The demon growled in response and rubbed his face on MK's chest. He can feel the vibrations of Red Son's growls on his skin.

"Red, I have work today."

Red Son continued to growl and lightly nibbles MK's shirt.

"Red, I have to work so that I can afford this place."

"But I need more sleep so that my highly intelligent brain can come up with more dastardly plans to rule the world!!!"

"Well, you can do that after I get up."

MK tried to squirm his way out of Red's grasp but failed.

"Why won't you let me get up?"

"Cause this is what Mother does with Father every morning. I want to do the same."

MK raised an eyebrow and smiled.

"So wait you want someone to lay on your chest and bite you?"

"W-What?! Of course not!"

"Wait, you want a wife or husband?"

Red blushed and slammed his head on MK's chest. They felt MK's hard chest beneath his nose and mouth. Their mind wanders off to other things but he shook them off.

"Ouch!", MK giggled in response and held Red Son closer, "I get it, I get it, I won't ask any more questions."

Red rubbed his cheeks on the other's chest and stomach.

"You don't want me to leave?"

Red mumbled and no before he ended up kissing the other's chest leaving marks of saliva.



He looked up with a pouty look. Red Son then went back to kissing the clothed chest and stomach.

"I-Is this what your parents do?"

"Um, yeah?"

"You don't have to d-do that to me. We aren't even d-dating."

Red smirked and moved closer, their faces almost touching.

"Well, you want to be my husband?"

Both boys stare into each other's eyes longingly. Their heads moved closer and closer before their lips were almost touching.


"MK, are you okay? Is it that time of the month? We are worried about you and Piggy is about to fire you if you don't come downstairs!!"

"Shit.", MK muttered under his breath before lightly pushing Red Son off to get dressed.

Red looked confused seeing the monkey boy running around the apartment like a maniac.

"Sorry Red", he whispered before heading to the door, "we can continue tonight, I promise."

He blew a kiss before slamming the door behind him leaving Red Son alone once again.

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