The Date Pt.1

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Mm..the hell?

The demon shook himself awake and found himself wrapped around his lover's arm. He could hear the other male emitting quiet snores and his chest rose and fell. Red unhooked himself from the monkey boy.

They sat up and looked down at MK, then he lightly smacked his chest; somehow, he didn't move. Red mumbled under their breath before shaking their boyfriend awake.

"Noodle Boy, wake up!!"

Noodles shook awake and stared at Red with heavy eyes. He smiled softly and pulled him into a hug and sighed. The demon heated up and purred into MK's shoulder.

"Mm, why did you wake me up this early, Firecracker?"


MK's eyes flew open and freaked out. He picked up the larger male as if he weighed nothing and ran towards the bathroom. The demon rolled off the bed and used his pyrokinesis to exit his home.

He appeared in his room with pizzazz though no one was there to see, which was perfect for him. They searched in their closet for a special outfit, a long black dress that reached down to his knees and showed off his calves. They threw a pair of black heels to go with it near the bed.

He did a little dance then grabbed a duffel bag to stuff more clothes and extra stuff in. Suddenly, a soft sound zipped past Red's ear. They immediately lit a spark of flames around his fingers. The figure appeared next to them and rested a hand on their shoulder.

"Hm, it looks like you've gotten faster."

Red stared at the figure which turns out to be a Bull Demon Clone, aptly named Munyo. Munyo was Red Son's personal and favorite bull clone.

"Where were you these last couple of months?"

Red tried not to look at the dress but did take a glance at it anyways. Munyo saw the demon's eyes shift over towards the outfit lazily thrown on the bed. The robot got on their knees and held Red Son's hand.

"I promise to not tell your parents any of this."

He sighed and removed his hand, "You know that you do not need to be formal with me."

Munyo rose back onto their feet and bowed.

"I'm sorry, your highness."

Red placed his hands on his hips and whipped his tail around.

"I have been living with my boyfriend for a while now and I have only come back to grab some more things."

"But when will you return? Your parents are worried about you and want you to come home-"

"I will return home when I feel ready!! I am 420(20) years old!! I can take care of myself!!"

Munyo looked at Red Son with a heavy, metal heart. They knew about His Highness's stubbornness so they couldn't do anything but give advice.

"I, well, we want to know that you are safe, Your Highness."

Red's chest fell then they quickly grabbed the duffel bag full of clothes and other stuff. They gave Munyo a long hug and smiled softly.

"I promise to visit as I know that you cannot leave without me!"

Munyo nodded and slipped a sticky note into the demon's duffel bag before releasing themselves from the hug.

"Please stay safe Your Highness."

Red Son left in a dash of flames leaving nothing behind.

Sorry for not posting for a while, guys. School is a pain in my ass and I already have a writing assignment for English so I probably won't post for a while, but that doesn't mean that I will give up on the book. I love this story and your comments always make me laugh and smile. I hope that you like this chapter and part two will be here soon. Also sorry for the chapter being short.

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