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/////TRIGGER WARNING////////

Red Son laid in bed staring at the ceiling. His mother's voice echoed in his ears, which caused him to shake. No, no, he can't disobey his parents, but he can't just leave Mk in the dust.

He let out soft, hazy breaths before finally getting out of bed. A soft hand firmly grabs his wrist. They look back to see Mk sleepily pulling himself closer towards his partner. His face looked so peaceful and strained at the same time.

"He must be having a nightmare."

The demon tried to pry off his lover's arm but to no avail. He poked and prodded every lil part of his face, but nothing seems to be waking him up. They took their defeat and laid back down.

*giggles* "Gotcha."

Red Son jumped and grabbed Mk's arms. His breath became slightly sharper and rushed.

"H-Hey, hey! Red Son!"

Mk's voice was drowned out by the ringing of their ears. His vision started to get blurry and his grip on Mk's arms grew tighter. They shut their eyes as their body began to heat up.

"Red Son! Red Son!!"

They could finally hear Mk's yells of worry. Tears flow down their cheeks as they let go of their boyfriend's arms. They could see the light burn marks on his wrist. The demon jumped our of the bed and ran downstairs.

They could hear Mk's screams echoing in their minds, but he couldn't focus on anything. They ran out of the restaurant and into the streets. The hot tears poured out of his face as he continued running.

'I didn't want this happen. I can't allow this to happen.'

Their thoughts swirled around their brain, and those thoughts became louder and more vivid. Then the image of Mk's burns flashed before their very eyes. They stopped in their tracks and looked at their surroundings.

He fell onto his knees and sobbed loudly. They let out all of their pain and anger out into the world. Their cries filled the air around them, and it lasted throughout the night.

Not Much of a Villain~SpicyNoodles~Where stories live. Discover now