The Date Pt.2

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Mk stared at his reflection in the mirror trying to fix his messy, messy hair. He wanted to look his best for his lover. He couldn't believe that they have been dating for a couple of months. He skipped around the tiny bathroom and then made his way into the bedroom where he is face-to-face with his lovely demon.

Red Son was draped in a long, black dress that stopped at his knees that showed his strong, feminine calves(I am hella weird-). Their hair was set in a half up half down hairstyle, and with his makeup was on flique!


"You look amazing, Firecracker!!!"

Red's face glowed a bright red; he wobbled towards the smaller male and kissed him softly.

"Well, you amazing yourself, Noodle Boy~"

Mk blushed and grabbed the demon's hand and led them to the door, then he pushed open the door and lifted Red Son.

"W-What are you doing?!"

"Making sure that my lover doesn't trip down the stairs."

Red lightly smacked Mk on the head and held on tight. A swirl of embers surrounds the couple the heat engulfed them and soon they appear in a fancy restaurant.


"SHUSH!! Keep your voice down."

He jumped out of Mk's arms, dusted himself, and walked to the reception.

"Excuse me, a table for two."


"The Great Red Son and Noo-Mk.."

The receptionist looked at the duo with judgment before escorting them to an empty table. They took their seats and stared at each other with bug eyes.

"A-Are you sure that you will be able to afford all of this stuff?", Mk played with the fancy fork while staring at the satin tablecloth.

"Well, yeah? I am Red Son, son of the Demon Bull King and Princess Iron Fan, so of course, I have money."

Though Mk loved listening to his boyfriend ramble, he zoned out throughout the speech.


"Is there anything that you want, sir? Ma'am?"

The boys stared at the waiter, yet they kept quiet.

"Well, I want the grilled lobster with the chickpea salad, and she will like the chicken parmesan soup with no tomatoes cause she hates tomatoes."

Red Son stared at Mk with a bit of pettiness. He then spoke in a high-pitched voice, "Well, thank you, darling, you know me so well..."

"Alright, I will give you your orders."

The waiter left and the couple burst out into laughter. The surrounding tables looked at the couple with annoyance before going back to their meals.

"I c-can't believe that he thought that you were *snickers* a woman!!"

"You shut up!!"

Mk continued to laugh loudly until one of the patrons of the restaurant stepped up to the table.

"Red Son? What are you doing here with him?"


Hehehehehe, I left y'all on a cliffhanger after not posting for a while. So, yeah, I was really busy with school work and I was struggling with some mental stuff, so it might take a while to post another chapter. Again I hope that you guys enjoy the chapter, also, iXSIMPXi and -EMO_calm down.

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