Shower Time

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"Noodle Boy, I, Red Son, have amazing news to tell you!!"

"What?", MK chuckled and locked the door behind him, "You're pregnant?"

Red Son's face turned as red as his hair and screamed his head off.


Smoke and steam filled up the room causing the smoke alarm to go off.

"R-Red, it was only a joke."

They growled in response and wagged their tail in anger. MK quickly lifted the angry bull child before they burn the apartment.

They felt hot to the touch but MK didn't let go. Both parties are in a blushing mess. The heat from the demon continued to grow.


MK quickly ran to the bathroom with Red Son still in his arms. He set the demon into the tub and quickly turned on the tap.

He quickly ran out of the shower and yelled, "I will let you take a nice cold bath to c-cool down."

"W-Wait! I need clothes-"

MK already left the bathroom in a blushing mess. Now Red Son was left in an icy cold tub in soaking clothes. Red Son's body heat continued to rise causing the water to become scalding.

They sighed to themselves and stood up and walked out of the tub, drained it, took off their sopping clothes, and turned on the shower again.

MK heard the shower turning on once again.

'I left Red Son in the shower with no clothes or underwear.'

"Gods, I am so freakin' stupid."

He placed his hands on his cheeks, feeling the heat on his palms. He knew that he had feelings for the demon but he had a feeling that his feelings won't be reciprocated.

The shower head squeaked as the sound of water stopped. He heard the rapid steps rushing towards the door, the door made a slight creaking sound.

"N-Noodle Boy.."

MK turned around to see Red Son's face peeking through the door crack.

"I need some clothes and um..u-underwear.."

MK blushes and quickly scurried through this room looking for something the other can wear. Once he did he quickly ran to the bathroom and handed the stack of clothes through the crack.

The demon mumbled out thanks and slammed the door. MK walked back to bed and sighed.

Red Son skittered through the bedroom and jumped on the bed and wagged his tail. He stared at the Noodle Boy. They were waiting for MK to notice them instead of talking to him.

Red scooted a bit closer and rested his head on his crush's stomach. They can feel their eyelids becoming heavy. A hand softly brushes against their horns, a purring sound escapes their lips.

"Aww, you sound like a kitty-cat!"


MK smiled and continued to play with their horns and hair. Red soon fell asleep and continued to purr. MK giggles and waits for Red Son to be in a deep sleep then he kissed the demon's forehead before falling asleep himself.

Red woke up and flushes then whispered, "I love you Noo-...MK.", he finally went back to sleep.

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