Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

McGonagall hadn't realized that all four of us were the most prudish people she would ever meet. Well, Lily and I were. I'm sure my brother and Sirius were not virgins as their reputations had stated. Remus coughed breaking everyone from their states of shock and we turned to him. He held up a bottle of butter beer, where did he even get that? "I suggest a toast to all five of us getting in trouble for the first time together!" He exclaimed raising the bottle. When no one responded he pulled the bottle down slowly and chugged it down.

Sirius rolled his eyes and turned to James. James flailed his arms around and stood up. "We'll be right back!" He shouted behind him as Sirius was now up and they had already begun walking to the door. "Hi Peter," he greeted and left the common room. Peter mumbled a response and wobbled over to us.

"Peteyyyyy," Remus slurred rolling around on the floor. Peter shifted uncomfortable in his spot looking down at the elder boy who continued to roll around.

"Don't mind him Peter. He's just had too much sugar," I said and Peter nodded his head. He plopped down onto the floor next to Remus's body.

Peter opened his mouth to speak and words flew out, "I heard Dumbledore is going away on a ministry meeting and he's left Professor McGonagall and Slughorn in charge for the week!"

Well this explains why she was so irritable.

Lily groaned, "No wonder she assumed we were engaging in 'sexual relations' she's stressed and nothing in her head makes sense to her."

Remus sat up, "We should help her," he suggested. I nodded my head. That was a good idea.

"Yeah. It'll help her keep her cool," Peter stated with a smile. His cheeks were so big. I couldn't stop myself from reaching over and pinching them. He immediately turned red and began to swat my hands away. I giggled and pulled away.

"I'm sorry you just looked so adorbs," I giggled even louder when he attempted to glare at me.

Remus and Lily sent us an amused glance and I shrugged laying back down on the comfortable ground of the common room. The door to the room opened and James and Sirius stepped in. Sirius was hiding something under his clock and James was hiding a similar shape under his sweater. They motioned for us to follow them and we did. James lead us to his Head Boy dorm which he never used because he preferred staying with Sirius and Remus and the other boys.

He pushed the door open and pulled out what he was hiding. The door behind us closed and lights flickered onwards.


Those idiots.

"To Hogwarts!" James cheered as he downed a shot of whiskey. Sirius did the same ignoring the looks we were giving them.

Alcohol? On Hogwarts' grounds? Seriously? Do these idiots ever think. Lily glanced towards me and I returned the glance nervously.

Of course we had drunken alcohol before but that was different. Those times were on accident or at parties, but this was completely out of the blue. It was three in the afternoon for merlins sake.

Peter was the next to drink a shot out of the rest of us, he was also the youngest. He giggled after he swallowed the liquid. Remus shrugged and took a swig from the other bottle that Sirius was guarding. Finally, Lily and I gave up and each took a shot.

"Truth or dare!" Sirius exclaimed jumping onto the unused bed. James followed after him and they were now getting cosy together on the bed waiting for us to sit down.

We were all sitting down on the large Merlin sized bed. Sirius and James were cuddling and my head rested on Remus's shoulder.

"Don't get too cosy with my girlfriend, Moons," Sirius had warned Remus before going back to cuddling my brother.

"Okay, I'll start!" James exclaimed pulling the bottle of firewhiskey away from his lips. "Peter piper picked a pepper, truth or dare!"

Peter picked at his fingers nervously, "t-truth," he stutter out.

"Boring. Anyway. Did you really have a crush on the divination professor last year?" He asked.

As soon as James said divination Peter turned as red as red could be. He nodded his head slowly. James chuckled. "It's all good, she was pretty hot," this earned him a slap from Lily.

"Truth or Dare, Aubrey?" Peter asked with his face no longer red

"Dare," I responded immediately.

He grinned, "I dare you to kiss Remus." I rolled my eyes at his immaturity and kissed Remus on the cheek. Sirius glared at Peter and Peter only shrugged.

"Okay then. James truth or dare?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"Dare," he spoke with confidence.

I smirked, "I dare you to skinny dip in the black lake with the giant squid." He puffed out his chest and smirked.

"Let's do it!" He jumped off of the bed and left leaving the bottle here. We all scrambled to follow him to the lake. By the time the five of us had gotten there he had already begun stripping. "C'mon guys! Join me!" Everyone was hesitant. Sirius shrugged and began to strip as well leaving Peter to strip. I covered my eyes. This was not going to be good.

"1....2.....Cowabunga!" James exclaimed catapulting into the lake with Sirius and Peter behind him. Splash. That was all it took for the squid to go on rampage.

The squid began thrashing around annoyed from being awoken and the guys hurriedly got out of the lake. The squid continued to thrash as they put their clothes back on. "What the bloody hell is going on here?" McGonagall exclaimed!

-Present Time-

She stared at the three boys.

They were about to get into major trouble and I couldn't let that happen. "Professor, it was my fault. We were playing truth or dare and I dated them to jump in the lake. I promise you we didn't mean to disturb the squid," I spoke up causing James, Sirius and Peter to look over. I sent them a small smile and turned back to McGonagall

She shook her head in disappointment, "I expected more from you Miss Potter. A week of detention with Filch will do."

I nodded my head and quickly walked out of her office. Sirius walked out behind me and pulled me into a hug, "Thank you," he mumbled into my hair. I simply nodded hugging him back tightly.

Aubrey Potter -Marauder's Era Story-Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя