Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

-Fifth Year, right after Aubrey transferred to Beauxbaton-

I sat in my room. I hated it here. Everyone was so snobby. Why did Sirius have to ruin everything back home? I could’ve only spent one year here, not one and a half.

Aubs, you have a visitor!” Grace’s voice rang throughout my room. I got up and opened the door only to find a Lucius Malfoy. “Malfoy?” I asked confused. He walked into my room. Well then. “Look, the only reason Sev went out with you was so that so we could have an insider in Gryffindor. He didn’t actually like you,” He explained.

“You came all the way to France, to tell me this?” I asked. He nodded his head. “Get out,” I said opening the door. He started walking out and turned around before his second leg stepped out and then came back in locking the door behind him.

“That wasn’t the only thing I came here for,” he whispered before his lips came down onto mine. What. Did Lucius Malfoy, the same Malfoy who was dating Narcissa Black just kissed me/is kissing me. He pulled away and I just stared dumbfounded at him.

“Did you just…” I asked my eyes widening. No. No. No. This isn’t supposed to happen.

“No,” he replied with a straight face and left.


-Seventh Year-

I’m so tired.

Sirius sat down next to me in Defense and the professor started droning on about how we should defend ourselves and how important it was to protect Hogwarts. My eyes were getting heavy and I laid my head down on my arms and fell into a deep sleep.

“That wasn’t the only thing I came here for,” he whispered before his lips came down onto mine.

I jolted up and Sirius stifled his laughter. No one except Sirius noticed that I had just done that and it was fine. Let’s not sleep in class anymore.

Lucius Malfoy. I had forgotten about it when I started dating Adam. I’m dating Sirius and one of his, correction one of our greatest enemies, besides Snape, had kissed me.

But it was when Sirius and I weren’t dating, it’ll be fine. I don’t have to tell him.

Class ended and we started walking to the Great Hall for dinner. Sirius wrapped his arms around me and held me close to him. Maybe this was love… although if it was love I wouldn’t have trouble telling him Lucius Malfoy had visited me at Beauxbatons and kissed me.

Why am I making this such a big deal? Nothing happened, it was just a kiss.

“You okay?” Sirius asked looking down at me. I nodded and smiled. Nothing happened. Nothing happened.

I need to tell him.

“Sirius…” I started before getting interrupted by the one and only Malfoy.

“Potter,” he said curtly before walking off. I glared at his retreating figure.

I grabbed Sirius’s free hand and dragged him to the same broom cupboard we first kissed in. He looked at me like I was mad then his lips curled upwards into a smirk. “Dirty, I like it,” he winked.

“Remember when shit went down with Sev and I? I went to Beauxbatons? Yeah okay well a couple of weeks later Lucius showed up and he kind’ve kissed me and I just remembered because I fell asleep and I….,” I began to ramble and I felt Sirius wrap his arms around me.

“It’s okay love,” He whispered kissing the top of my head.

“I love you Sirius,” I whispered back.

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