Chapter 18

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I'm so sorry it's been forever. I wrote this for all of you because I had remembered that the one thing I loved most was writing. Happy Holidays to all of you! I know this update sucks and it's going by too fast but I tried my best!


I looked down at my books. I couldn’t wait for class to be over so I could see Adam. Addison gave me a bad vision. I hated her. She was so annoying and she was always interfering with stuff that involved me. When Severus and I were dating, in came Addison, and now her and Sirius are dating.

What am I thinking about? I love Adam, not Sirius. Did I? When Adam and I started dating it was to get my mind off of everything Hogwarts related. I didn’t actually like him until two weeks into the relationship. I really like him, but I think I love Sirius.

I shook my head at the thought of loving Sirius. It was impossible. I glanced over at Lily and James. They were so cute together. Why could I have that? I guess I did with Adam but we all knew that wasn’t going to last forever. Adam and I hated each other when we first met; it was kind of like how Sirius and I were…. Why does everything always go back to Sirius?

Why was I even here? Why could Dumbledore just have let me gone home to my parents? None of this would have happened if he hadn’t told James that I could stay here for a month. I’d be at home, reading or writing, or even enjoying a date with my boyfriend who I was now having second thoughts of.

Class ended without me noticing until Lily snapped her fingers in front of me. “W-what? Sorry, I was thinking,” I responded getting up. “Where’s Sirius?” I asked quickly. Two weeks of fifth year left. “He’s with Addison, why?” James questioned suspiciously. I groaned and replied, “Nevermind, let’s find Adam.”

“O-kay?” Lily said confused. I just nodded at her and skipped off to find the boyfriend.

I ended up finding him sitting near the Black Lake. I sat next to him and told him that we needed to talk. I knew this was a terrible thing to do especially since he came here to see me, but I needed to figure things out.

“What is our relationship?” I blatantly asked.

He looked at me, “Pardon?” I sighed. “Adam, I love you, but not in the way it should be,” I bit my lip. Confusion flashed across his face. “Are you breaking up with me?” He asked with anger in his tone. “No, no, noooooo, it’s just, I think that we should move in together rather than you being in France while I’m here for three months,” I said and I could tell Lily and James were not expecting that. Adam smiled and leaned in to kiss me. Our faces were centimeters apart and the distance between us was getting smaller. His lips touched mine and it was pure bliss until, “YOU BLOODY GIT,” I heard Severus yell. I pulled away and looked in that direction.

What a surprise, he was yelling at Sirius. “Can you not,” I heard Lily tell Severus as she pulled Sirius away from the argument. I facepalmed. “Why?” I asked Sirius. He shrugged and said, “He called Addison a slut so I kind of punched him.”

“You do realize Addison and Severus had a thing. She basically cheated on you before you two were dating because I walked in on them making out the day after that ball we all went too. You have Severus germs on your lips,” I said hiding my laughter.

Sirius made a face of disgust, “but that means you gave Adam the Severus germs.” Oops, I don’t think I ever told Adam that Severus was my ex-boyfriend. Did it even matter?  

“Um, it was a thing of the past; I don’t think it really matters, does it?” I said looking around. Luckily Adam didn’t hear what Sirius said so he just looked at me like I was crazy. I smiled sheepishly and he kissed my cheek.

What are you doing!?!?!, said the voice inside my head.

I couldn’t bring myself to do it, he came to see me all the way from France!, I responded.

Break up with him now!, the voice commanded.

Maybe later, I replied.

During dinner Dumbledore announced that we would be getting a new Muggle Studies teacher. No one really cared because there were only about twelve people in total in that class and they only did it for the Easy O.

Adam went to bed early due to the time difference so he skipped out on dinner. “He really must not like eating in the Great Hall,” Lily said noticing he hadn’t eaten here at all. I shrugged, “He’s not much of a people person.”

“He sure seems to be interested in Ravenclaws,” James said looking over at the Ravenclaw table. He was sitting there next to Addison? I got up and walked over to him. “Hi Adam,” I said in a fake cheery tone. He looked at me and smiled. He smiled? I returned the smile. Addison hadn’t noticed me yet so she leaned over and kissed Adam. “I’m so glad you dumped that Gryffinwhore for me. I slapped him. “We’re over you cheating bastard,” I yelled loud enough so everyone could hear. Everyone was staring.

Sirius walked into the Great Hall at the perfect time. He noticed everyone was staring at me near the Ravenclaw table. The red mark forming in the shape of a hand on Adam’s face explained it all. Addison got up and ran over to Sirius and in her fakest voice she said, “Siri, Aubrey’s boyfriend came on to me.” Sirius looked pissed but I rolled my eyes.

Sirius looked as if he was about to commit murder. I looked at Sirius and said, “They’re cheating on us. Addison lies. They’re both at fault.” I left the Great Hall and walked to the dormitory.

The next couple of days were awkward between everyone. Ever since I had dumped Adam in front of everyone, even the professors, they had all pitied me. I didn’t  need pity especially if I was the one who dumped him.

I had been sitting near the fireplace in the common room reading when Sirius walked in and sat down right in front of me. “May I help you?” I asked in annoyance. He just stared. I put my book down and returned the stare as if we were having a contest. I was so intense in thinking about not blinking that I hadn’t noticed Sirius had gotten closer.

“What are you doing?” I said silently even though we were the only two in the room. He just continued staring. “I think I’ve been in love with you, ever since we met on the train in first year. I just couldn’t admit it to myself because I’m Sirius Black,” He said still staring. I couldn’t. I just couldn’t. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” I choked out as tears started spilling out. I got up and quickly ran upstairs to my dorm. Why did it always have to be Sirius? Couldn’t I just get over him, and everyone else on this planet? Why?

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