Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Sirius was lounging on the sofa in the common rooms when I came downstairs in the evening. His eyes were closed and he was breathing heavily with soft snores leaving his mouth. I giggled and glanced around looking for the camera that Sarah often used.

It was on the coffee table so I picked it up and took a quick picture of Sirius. I put the camera back down and poked his nose.

He wrinkled his nose but it woke him up. He perked up when he notice me and wrapped me into a hug. "Hi Sirius," I giggled hugging him back. He smiled and let go pulling my fingers into his.

"C'mon. James, Peter and I need to show you something before your detention with Filch, sorry again about that," he spoke and began to walk to the door.

"It's okay Sirius. Filch loves me it won't be that bad. And ooh, what are you gonna show me?" I rambled following him to where ever he was leading me.

He shushed me and continued walking and I happily complied to following him. We reached the entrance to the forbidden forest. I'm confused. What are we doing here? He squeezed my hand and led me to the whomping willow.

The willow was calm.

This is odd

My brother came out from the tree and as did Peter. "Sis!" James exclaimed smiling wide. They must have noticed the confusion on my face. "Ah, well, just watch!" Sirius explained running to his friends.

I crossed my arms over my chest and stared at them. Sirius winked at me before transforming into a large black dog. Animagus? My brother followed transforming into a stag. Peter transformed into a rat.

"You're animagi?" I yelled loudly. Sirius trotted closer to me and muzzled his face in my legs. My boyfriend is a dog. My brother is a stag. Their minion is a rat.

I patted Sirius on the head and then took a step backwards. He tilted his head slightly and I only smirked. I turned into my animagus form, a unicorn. Sirius had seen me as an animagus and James assumed I was lying. Peter turned back into a human and fainted. Sirius grinned and transformed back into Sirius. James transformed back into James. "So you weren't lying!" He exclaimed.

I turned back into myself and nodded my head. "The joys of auror training. I'm registered though. I'm going to assume you three are not," I responded to my brother who grinned sheepishly.

I rolled my eyes, "How long did it take you?" I asked.

"Two years, you?" He answered.

"Two months," I smirked finally having won something over my brother. He glared but then laughed.

We walked back to the castle and I reported to Filch for my first day of detention. He waited for me outside of his living quarters with Mrs.Norris at his side. She hissed at me and I returned a smile.

"Miss. Potter, I request you to clean out the trophy cases. That is all you must do for today," he said politely and walked away. Why is he letting me off so easy?

I shrugged and grabbed the rag laying on the floor and skipped over to the trophy cases. Many of these belonged to my brother and I. Those belonging to my brother were outstanding quidditch awards. His years of doing both chaser and seeker were coming to an end this year as he was not going to go professional.

I shrugged myself away from my thoughts and began to dust the case which did not require much cleaning. My eyes stopped at an interesting trophy.

Outstanding Student 1945 'Tom Marvolo Riddle'

Why hadn't they gotten rid of this trophy? He was evil. He doesn't deserve to have his name on such an honorable award. I glared at the case and continued to glare ignoring the person clearing their throat behind me.

"He was a wonderful man, wasn't he?" Severus stated from behind me. I turned to glare at him.

"Killing people isn't wonderful," I responded deepening my glare. He chuckled.

"You always were attractive when mad," he said.

I threw the dusty rag at him, "Get out."

He ignored the rag, "When we graduate, I will make your life a living hell. Lucius and I both. Narcissa included, on occasion and Bellatrix aswell. We'll be on his side," he sneered. My eyes widened.

"You're going to ruin your life with him," I responded gritting my teeth.

"If I go down, so will you. Ciao!" He called behind him. I gaped at his retreating figure.

Did he really just gain the confidence to scare me?

Watch your arse Severus. I will bring you down.

I walked away from the case and quickly ran back to the common room. Lily glanced at me when I walked in and followed me when I ignored everyone and ran upstairs to the dormitory.

"What's up?" She asked.

"Severus and his big head," I mumbled, "He basically just told me he was going to kill me once we left this school."

I groaned and turned on my bed so my head was facing the pillow and screamed into it.

Why is being a Potter so hard?


Woo a quicker update! Okay so this story is almost over, about five more chapters but I do want to do a sequel.
I already began to plan out a sequel two years ago but my writing style has changed since then.
I could either write in a new pov (you will learn the pov in the 31st chapter) or continue in Aubrey's.

What do you think?

Thank you!

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