Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

-One Month Later-

The ministry building looked mighty inviting as Shacklebolt informed me of the raid that was about to happen. And just guess where it was?

Malfoy Manor. I am ready for this.

Sirius and James were out visiting Remus and Peter as there was a full moon tonight. Lily had gone to visit Alice and Frank for the day. Which left me and my raid. "Let's do this," I said gripping my wand tightly as I apparated into the manor.

I only grinned when I saw a glimpse of the greasy black hair under the iconic mask. "Stupefy," I yelled at the only person in sight which happened to be Snape. I tsked and stepped away from his body to go look for the other aurors.

"Oh Potter," a familiar voice rang through my ears. I turned around glaring at the person who blocked my view. The wand in my head vibrated as if it were telling me to strike.

Bellatrix Black, my boyfriend's cousin. She smirked and I raised my wand sending an expelliarmus in her direction. Her smirk turned into a glare and she pulled out her dagger. "You wouldn't," I glared.

She stepped closer and I gripped my wand, "Stupefy!" I yelled before she could deflect it. She flew backwards groaning.

"Calm down, Aub," Regulas taunted stepping near me. I held my wand up but nothing came out instead I felt myself being thrown against a cabinet. Glass shattered above my head and I slipped into a state of unconsciousness.

Darkness is what I saw. My heart pumped loudly and irregularly as if there were more than one beat. At least I knew I was alive. People rushed around me poking and prodding me with whatever needle they could find, filling my blood with muggle medicine.

At one point I even felt someone rub something on my stomach. It was wet but not like a dirty type of wet.

My eyes blinked open and I squinted as I adjusted to the surroundings. St Mungos. Of course. "Oh, Miss Potter you're awake!"

"How long have I been gone?" I asked raising an eyebrow at the nurse.

"Only a few hours. Nasty blow to the head you received, but don't worry you and the baby are alright," she chirped and turned to tend to the other patients.

Baby? "What baby?" I called after her.

She turned and looked at me confused, "You don't know? Dear you're four weeks pregnant."

She handed me a wizard picture of the ultrasound so that it was moving. "It's too soon to tell the gender, but I'm betting on it being a girl," she giggled.

I'm pregnant?

I'm eighteen this can't be happening right now. "Am I clear to go home?" I asked quickly changing into my normal clothes. Sheila, the healer, nodded her head. I sent her a gracious smile and apparated to the flat

Sirius sat on the sofa. "How was it?" He asked looking up at me.

"Considering your brother almost killed your child, I'd say great," I responded then immediately regretted my words. His eyes widened.

"My child?" He asked in disbelief.

"I mean it could be Snape's or Lucius's ooh or Adam's," I joked.

Sirius was now standing in front of me. He took both of my hands in his. "Are you really pregnant?" He asked softly.

I nodded my head a smile breaking at my lips. Maybe this would be a good thing.

I pulled the moving picture out of my pockets and handed it to him. He smiled looking up at me and for a second I thought there was a tear threatening to fall. "They're perfect," he murmured looking down at the picture of the fetus.

We apparated to Lily and James's to tell them the good news. "Guess," I poked Lily. She shrugged.

I pointed down at my stomach and curved my hand around it. She gasped, "Really?" She exclaimed. I nodded my head biting my bottom lip.

She squealed and hugged me causing James to look in our direction. "You're pregnant?" He yelled angrily but there was playful intent behind the anger.

"Don't blame me. I'm just the carrier. Blame the impregnator," I pointed at Sirius and hid behind Lily. James chuckled at my usage of words and patted Sirius on the back.

"Are you going to continue your auror ways?" James asked suddenly concerned for the little one inside me.

I paused. I never really thought about this. Well if they could survive being stupefied. They could survive anything. I nodded my head.

"You can't!" Lily cried out.

"If they can survive being thrown against a wall, they'll survive anything," I grinned repeating my thoughts.

"Thrown against a wall?" James questioned.

"Regulas had the upper hand."


Aubrey Potter -Marauder's Era Story-Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon