Chapter 22

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Chapter 22


It was a week before seventh year. Sirius had a place of his own now and father refused to let me go because he assumed we were sexually active since we had been dating for well over a year. Honestly the furthest Sirius and I had gone was kissing and we got to that base in second year. Nothing has changed much since then. Except y’know, Sirius and I are actually dating now.

I’m going back to Hogwarts. I was officially ‘labeled’ Auror-In-Training. James and Lily’s relationship was very serious and I still had that little feeling in the back of my mind that they were going to get married right after seventh year. Sirius and I? Well, we decided we weren’t going to get married until we absolutely knew we loved each other and it wasn’t just long term infatuation.

My father and I haven’t been very close lately and it might because I wasn’t ‘his’ anymore because I spent most of my time with Sirius whenever I could. But Sirius and I’s time was limited; as soon as we graduated I’d be forced to succumb to the horrors of being an auror.

Oh well.

-Seventh year-

“Welcome back to a wonderful year. Feast on!” Dumbledore chimed and food began to appear throughout the tables. James grabbed the entire plate of chicken and started to eat it as another one appeared. Lily rolled her eyes and plated turkey and mashed potatoes on her plate.

I didn’t have much of an appetite but I took food anyway. Sirius and James were pigging out on the chicken and gravy. Lily looked at me then back at the boys then back at me and grinned. “Remember when we hated them?” She asked. “Hated? I still do,” I laughed while taking a bite out of a roll

The feast ended soon after and we left to head to our dorms. I heard someone snigger behind us and I turned around only to see good old Snape. He walked away when I saw him. Ugh, some people are so childish.

“Good night,” I sang and walked up the stairs to the familiar dorms. “I missed Hogwarts,” I chimed falling onto the familiar comfortable bed.

Lily giggled behind me and turned so that I was lying on my back. “How do you think the year’ll be?” I asked whoever was in the room. “I think it’ll be the best year,” She replied and I could tell she was grinning because she sounded happy. We were happier now than we were before. “I believe we can all pass with flying colors,” Alice winked I assumed.

“Personally, I think we’ll all be married by the end of seventh year, or like after. Well except for Sirius and I,” I stated waving my wand around.

“Are you and Sirius having problems?” Sarah asked.

“Not really, we’re just not sure if it’s love yet, like I understand we’ve had these feelings forever but it might just be lust for the feeling of love,” I answered truthfully.

We spent the rest of the night catching up and not going to the common room because McGonagall was watching the common room like a hawk due to incidents caused by my brother and my boyfriend the year before.

I’m never going to get used to calling Sirius my boyfriend due to us loathing each other for some time.

Morning came and I was awoken by someone’s breathing being loud and clear near my ear. I opened an eye only to find Lily staring down at me. “May I help you?” I asked. She shook her head, “Nope, only staring at the hickey on your neck.”

I groaned, Sirius must have done it on the train because even I knew nothing about this. Lily backed away and I sat up bringing a mirror to check. Yep, there it was. “Merlin, it’s so purple,” I examined it closely. Lily tossed a scarf towards me, “You’re welcome.” I smiled at her and got up to shower and change into my clothing of the day.


“Sirius, are you aware of the hickey I found this morning?” I asked as we sat at the table. He smirked, “Which one?” I rolled my eyes and smacked the back of his head with the paper. “Not funny,” I responded while spooning porridge into my mouth. Yum, I love porridge.

James started laughing out of nowhere and I looked at him like he was mad. “Your h-h-hair,” He continued laughing. I looked down only to find a strand of it neon green. Ugh, not this again. It soon turned back to normal and James laughter died down to silence.

McGonagall plopped time tables down infront of us and I stared at mine with fear. The one requirement I hadn’t met for auror training were my five N.E.W.T classes which I were to take this year, fun. Potions, Astronomy, Divinations, Defense and Herbology. Meaning, I barely had any classes with James and Sirius because they were too lazy. Lily and I took the same N.E.W.Ts with the exception of Divination. Lily took Arithmetics instead.

“Yay, Potions….” I groaned. Lily copied and soon we were both sobbing because our lives were too hard. James and Sirius had left during our scene and now we were headed to class. Wait. Potions, a.k.a Severus’s favorite subject, yay, this will be interesting.

And my suspicions were correct; the first person I saw was indeed Severus. “Potter, Evans,” He greeted stiffly before walking away. The professor walked in and told us all the stand near the cauldron in the back. He dropped what I assumed to be pixie blood into the cauldron and the potion became pale and looked quite infectious. “This is amortentia,” the professor smiled.

We ended up having to recreate the potion and nearly everyone failed. Severus and Lily had gotten the potions right and all I could smell was musk and wet dog the entire class. Not a good smell.

“What did you smell?” Lily asked as we left the class. “Musky wet dog,” I answered wrinkling my nose, “And you?” Lily responded, “Your brother.” I rolled my eyes and we walked to the one class we had with everyone, Defense. Sirius and James had both done exceptionally well on their O.W.Ls for Defense and had decided to take Defense N.E.W.T.

“Welcome, welcome!” The professor exclaimed as everyone walked in. He resembled Slughorn except rounder. “Welcome to defense against the dark arts,” He stated as the doors shut.

We actually didn’t do anything during class, it was just introductions and going over assignments. Sirius and I were partners, this would lead to no good. I smiled at Sirius before disarming him. “Sorry love,” I cheeked and sat down to where we previously sat. He sulked over and took his wand from me.

Lily scoffed and I threw paper at her. “Shut up, I dealt with this from you and James during the summer, just let me be cute for once,” I uttered before setting my wand in my bag. James rolled his eyes and he turned his attention back to Lily.



I jumped on Sirius’s back and demanded he take me to the Great Hall. He galloped to the great hall and set me down at our table. I instantly grabbed a cheese sandwich and began to devour it.

I love food.

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