Chapter 4

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I don't know why, but Peter gave me a bad feeling about the future. He was clinging to my brother and his friends like a flee.

I walked down to Potions with Lily. “Aubrey, DUCK!” James yelled. I ducked my head just as a spark flew over it. I turned around to glare at James, but saw Sirius instead, so I glared at him instead.

Apparently, walking backwards is dangerous. Pettigrew ran into me. “S-s-sorry Aubrey” he said. “It's fine” I replied picking up my stuff. “So Sorry” he continued turning redder than Lily's hair. “Peter, it's fine, honestly, now go to class” I said.

He nodded his head and scurried off to class. “I think he likes you” James said popping out of no where. HAHA! If Pettigrew likes me, I may as well die. Rude, but yeah. “Bleh” I said and then stopped. “Lily, when are you and James getting married?” I asked randomly.

Lily slapped my arm and said, “EW, I would never marry him, he's just as bad as Malfoy.” James gasped. The Malfoys and our family never exactly got along well. “True that” I said and ignored James' shocked face.

We walked to Double Potions and groaned. I sat by Sirius in the front again, seeing as Slughorn didn't change our partners. “Welcome to a New Year at Hogwarts” he said less enthusiastically than last year. “Today, we will be taking notes on ingredients” he said using his wand to write on the board.

What is it with Slughorn and notes? Class ended and everyone walked to lunch. Well everyone but Sirius and I, seeing as he pulled me into the broom closet.

“What the hell Black?” I yelled.

“Shh Potter, I need to tell you a secret” he whispered.

“What?” I asked curiously. Why would he tell me, out of everyone else, a secret?

“This” he said and pressed his lips to mine.

I did the strangest thing though, I kissed back. When I realized what we were doing, I pulled away. “Uhh, Lunch time” I said and walked out of the broom closet.

What. Just. Happened? Sirius Black kissed me, and I kissed back. Uh, this is bad.

I walked into the Great Hall and sat down next to Lily. Still thinking. Sirius came in a minute after me and sat down next to James. “Where were you?” Lily hissed.

I looked at her and said, “I'll tell you later, I doubt James could handle it.” He looked up when I said his name. I smiled and then looked down at the plate and frowned.

Ugh, no use in eating now. “Black, I need to talk to you, in private” I said getting up. He slowly got up and we left the Great Hall.

“What was that? Just now in the broom closet” I asked when we were somewhere where no one could hear. He shrugged and said, “Sorry, I couldn't help it.”

“Pretend it never happened?” I asked. He nodded his head and we went back into the Great Hall. I sat by Lily again. “You and Sirius are with each other a lot now” James said winking.

“Lily and James seem to be spending an awful lot of time together now, don't they Remus?” I asked. Remus nodded his head. Lily looked like she wanted to kill me. James looked like he was going to hex me into last year.

“Oh look at that, time for class. Let's see, I have Divination, BYE!” I said and ran to Divination. I was out of breath when I got there. I was also the first one here. “Hello Professor” I said and sat down on the fluffiest pillow.

She simply nodded and the other students came in. Lily was walking over to me angrilly, but Sirius and Remus sat near me before she or James could. Unfortunately, Lily sat in the group right next to me. “I am going to kill you after class” she whispered.

I looked at Sirius and said, “Switch spots with Lily, now, please.” He sighed and got up to switch. Lily, confused, got up and sat next to me. I made sure no one was listening and whispered, “Black kissed me before lunch,” in her ear. She nearly squealed but I covered her mouth before she could.

James was looking at us weirdly and I looked at Lily. “So you and James?” I started asking while smirking. “Shut up, there is nothing going on, I hate him” she said and looked at the proffesor. I rolled my eyes and practically slept till class ended.

“Aubrey, wake up, Class is over” Lily said poking me awake. I opened one eye and saw that Lily, James, Remus, and Sirius were staring at me. I turned my hair a Malfoy blonde for the rest of the day for fun.

Transfigurations was funny. “And you are?” Professor McGonagall asked. I turned my hair back to its' normal Auburn color and she went, “OH!”

I laughed and sat down next to Lily. “Do I look better as a Potter or Malfoy?” I asked jokingly. “Oh Malfoy, Definately” she said catching onto my joke. “You're to good to be a Malfoy, that's why you're my sister” James said sitting down next to me.

“Psht, I'm too good to be your sister” I said laughing. “What ever makes you sleep at night sis” James said.

When class ended, I ran to the dormitory. Well almost did, I heard chanting outside and my brother and Black were ganging up on Severus again. I ran outside by the lake and sure enough, they were teasing him.

I walked up between them and stared at James. My hair turned black and that was all the warning they needed. They ran for their lives back to the dorms. Severus was already gone, so I walked back to the dorms.

Damn it, it's already dark. When I walked into the common room Sirius and James were sitting on the couch. “Where's Remus?” I asked sitting next to them. They shrugged.

Well okay then. Lily walked in and she sat next to me. “Homework is crap” she said and everyone gasped. It was the first time Lily had ever said a bad word.

I looked at the boys and said, “Our little Lily is growin up,” and faked a tear.

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