Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

~James' POV~

I stared at the lifeless body of my sister. “James!” the familiar voice of my mum called running in. She and dad stared at Aubrey.

“Where is McGonagall?” Dad asked. “In her office” I replied. Mum and Dad went to go McGonagall and Lily stood near me.

“Poppy!” Professor Sprout exclaimed walking into the infirmiry. She was holding some sort of potion. A green one. “Ah, good!” Madame Pomfrey said. She took the potion and poured a small amount of it into Aubrey's mouth.

It looked horrifying.

“It'll take atleast an hour to work” Sprout explained to Pomfrey.

“The ball is tomorrow....” Lily said sadly still looking at Aubrey.

We walked to dinner and I sat by Sirius without saying a word.

~Sirius' POV~

I stared at James. He looked broken. “Atleast eat something” Evans said pushing him a plate of pasta. He shook his head.

Dinner went on and he ate nothing. We walked to Astronomy and and sat near the telescope. “Welcome Back. Yes, go ahead take a seat anywhere” Professor said to someone. By the length of hair, it was a girl.

“Thank you” A voice replied.

James almost dropped his telescope but Lily caught it. Aubrey walked over to us and smiled.

“You're back!” James exclaimed attacking her in a hug.

“Yeah” She said un-enthusiastically.

“What's wrong?” Lily asked. She shook her head and sat down.

“Welcome to Astronomy” Professor started the boring lesson.

After class Aubrey rushed out and went back to the hospital wing.

“I feel bad for her” Lily said as we walked to the dorms. “Why?” I asked curiously.

“She's going to ball with Severus” Lily said. I stopped.

She's going with Snivellus, and not me?

It's really short because I had insane writer's block x_x

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