Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

The day after the three boys told me they were animagi, I only had to guess to get Remus correctly.

They would disappear on full moon days and only three of the four had shown me their animagi form which meant that Remus was a werewolf. Was I shocked? Yes. Did I care? About his safety, of course. Was I mad? No I understood this was his secret. Was I scared? Absolutely not!

But did Lily know? But wait, was it really my place to tell her? This is something Remus and the other boys should handle. Not Aubrey Potter.

The days of countless studying had finally paid off when we were rewarded with Hogsmeade! Our permission slips rested in the hands of McGonagall. Sirius was now 18 so he could go without a permission slip which was good news for me and him considering he was his own guardian.

I locked my fingers with his as we began the short journey from the carriages to the actual stores. "So I was thinking that maybe after we graduate, we could rent a place together maybe. If not it's totally fine I know we've only been dating for a year and a half," Sirius rambled nervously and I shut him by placing my lips on his.

"Of course," I murmured and pulled away.

He grinned, "Really? I found the perfect place. Its small but we'll be near Lily and James," I let him continue to rambled as we wandered into The Three Broomsticks.

Lily and James were sitting at a booth near the back with four butterbeers in front of them. James looked anxious as if he was waiting for something to happen. He kept turning to the clock. I raised an eyebrow at him but be just shook his head offering me a small smile.

James stood up when the clock struck half past one and motioned for all of us to stand up. He left a couple of sickles on the table and we followed him to Rosa Lee Teabag. He stopped in front of it and turned to Lily. Sirius held up a camera and his the grin that was forming on his face.

James. No. He isn't.

He knelt down on knee and pulled out a small satin box. I gasped as did Lily and a smile broke out on my face. My twin brother was going to get married, if Lily said yes.

A crowd had gathered around us as James proposed. He cleared his throat. Tears were beginning to fall from Lily's eyes. "I know this is kind of early and all but Lily Evans, will you do the honors of marrying a scrub like me? I knew I was in love with you from the moment we met but I always tried to deny it. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, do you with me?"

Lily nodded her head smiling as wide as she could. James grinned and slipped the shiny ring onto Lily's finger. He stood up and immediately pulled Lily into a hug. Cheers erupted from the crowd and Sirius took his magical picture.

James smiled at the crowd as did Lily and we gave them their alone time. Wink wink nudge nudge.

Sirius wrapped his arm around me shoulder as we strolled into Honeydukes. "I can't believe James Potter, my brother, is getting married," I said still in shock from the proposal. Sirius chuckled and nodded his head as he began to pile sweets into a bag. I grabbed a package of licorice wands and Bertie Botts and walked over to the counter with Sirius.

I picked up a copy of the Daily Prophet and paid for the candy. "Back to Hogwarts," I exclaimed jumping onto Sirius's back. He rolled his eyes but ran back to the carriages with me still on his back.

He sat me down on one end before climbing over me to get to the seat next to me. James and Lily were already sat in front of us with Peter and Remus in the carriage as well.

James and Lily were holding each other's hands tightly and the sight made me swoon. "Hey Lily?" I asked. She looked away from James and nodded her head.

"Do you know what this means? We're sisters!" I exclaimed. She squealed nodding her head.

We soon reached Hogwarts and news of Jily spread like wild fire. Everyone was congratulating them as soon as we stepped off the carriage. Sirius had given the camera to Barry Creevey to get the picture printed.

"Alright alright! Leave the love birds alone until dinner!" I yelled jokingly causing everyone to disperse as we walked back to the Gryffindor Dormitory. "Seeker," I mumbled to the portrait and the door flung open. We stepped into the common room and found our way to our usual places of leisure.

"So when is the wedding?" I asked as soon as everyone was sitting.

"1978, August 19th," Lily responded immediately. They had the date planned already? Wow.

Lily grinned taking James's hand in hers. Oh they were just too cute. I squealed and everyone turned to me confused. I shrugged still smiling.

We stared at each other for hours until deciding that we all should probably go to bed. Things had fallen into place.

The next morning wasn't any different. Classes were delayed due to a troll throwing a fit in the dungeons. There really wasn't much to do.

We've done everything there is to do.

Our time at Hogwarts was coming to an end, and I was finally beginning to come to terms with it.

Five more chapters left! I still need ideas for the sequel so please send me any suggestions.

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