hanging w/ the enemy

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tords pov

Maybe this wasn't the best idea, but for some reason I couldn't help myself. And besides, maybe Jaiden and me were somewhat alike. I mean, we're both only childs and our fathers being military leaders but also maybe they also didn't like the idea of being next in line to be a leader. The ding of the elevator reaching the 4th floor interrupts my thoughts. The door opens and we both exit. I gesture Jaiden towards the direction of my room. The 4th floor was mainly dorm rooms but I basically have lived in here my whole life. It took a few minutes to finally reach a dark, empty hallway where the gunshots were very distant. I pull out my key card and scan it. The door to my room automatically opens and I hold the door open for Jaiden. They awkwardly blushed, mumbling a 'thank you'. I smiled in response. I close the door behind me and watch Jaiden glance around my dorm room.

"This is nice." Jaiden nodded in approval.

"I know, right?" I chuckled, approaching Jaiden from behind. They jolt their head back at me almost immediately.

"What the hell are you doing?" They glared at me.

"Relax, I'm taking your coat, and your weapons." I respond. Before I can proceed, Jaiden placed a hand to stop me and then removed their coat on their own. They hand it to me, plus their grenades. I place their coat on the coat rack and take off mine and repeat. I glanced at Jaiden, who wore a blue turtleneck and black leggings, similar to me but expect I wore a red hoodie. I watch as they untie their bun and shoulder length hair falls behind them. It kind of looked like something out of an anime scene. Still, it was almost majestic, especially with how nicely styled Jaiden's hair was. They placed their hair tie in their coat pocket and messed with their hair for a bit. I awkwardly cough as Jaiden turned to me.

"What? My dad never lets me have my hair down. It's so unbelievable, especially with how short it is at the moment." They vented.

"It's fine, really! Besides, you look so much better with your hair down." I complimented. Jaiden smiled.

"Thanks, man." I shrugged and led them to the kitchen.

"Are you still hungry? I got tons of snacks and stuff here." I told them while digging into my pantry.

"Lots of snacks in there..." I heard Jaiden say behind me.

"Yep." Is all I say. I feel Jaiden peer over my body and reach their arm somewhere.

"Hell na man. I mean, this stuffs fine but its not even goated at best." Jaiden complained. I turn to them in confusion.

"It's just Ramen." I said, confused.

"Have you ever went to an actual Asian market?" They asked. I shook my head.

"See, you will find way better noodles and such. Like I bought these Tokyo styled Ramen bowls and mhm! They are so good!" They grinned.

Jaiden grabbed a box of Pocky from the pantry and leaned back on the kitchen counter. I got myself some chips and motioned Jaiden to the living room. We both took a sit on the couch and I watch once more as Jaiden looks around.

"Nice flag....." They said sarcastically. I knew exactly which one they were talking about.

"Oh that! Ahaha! Old phase, y'know?" I half lied. Jaiden popped a piece of pocky in their mouth and ignored my last sentence. I thought for a moment. I crawl over to my TV and turn on my switch and take off the controllers attached to it. I hand one to Jaiden.

"How about we play some MarioKart?" I asked, secretly knowing I'm gonna beat their ass. Jaiden smirked.


"Ha! So long, sucker!" I exclaimed, grinning like a child. I pass Jaiden and end up in 1st. I laugh as Jaiden stayed silent.

"Cmon, hun! What happened to that sassy mouth you just had?" I laughed. From the corner of my eye, I see Jaiden smile. My eyes land on the screen and I see a blue shell heading right towards me.

"You gotta be fucking kidding! Right when I'm near the finish line!" I yelled. Jaiden laughed as my car got blown up and they pass me with such speed.

"Hell yeah! Suck it, Turd." They made a dramatic laugh. I sigh, hanging my head in defeat.

"Good game." I held my hand out. Jaiden stopped smiling for a minute and raised an eyebrow.

"You too, I guess." They replied, shaking my hand. I pulled them onto the ground, me on top of them.

"Bro?" They mumbled, turning red.

"Sorry! I at least wanted to see you flustered." I apologized. Jaiden rolled their eyes as they sat up.

"Now what?" They asked. We both sat in silence. During that time, I was quietly listening to see if there were anymore gun shots. I heard a few faint shots.

"Maybe another 30 minutes of this?" I asked. Jaiden nodded.

"Yeah, sure." I sit back down on the couch and Jaiden follows.

"Do you hate your dad?" They asked. I shrug.

"Kind of. Actually, yes very much." I admitted.

"What about you?" I asked. Jaiden sat in thought.

"Mixed feelings. I don't know." They answered. I nodded.

"Do you want to be Blue Leader?"

"No." They said without hesitating.

"Me too." I agreed. Silence filled the air, but it wasn't an uncomfortable kind of silence. It was broken once we heard a walkie talkie go off.

"Jaiden? Are you there?" I heard. Jaiden instantly stood up and rushed over to the coat racket, digging for their walkie.

"Yes, dad? I'm here." They answered. I also stood up.

"Oh thank god. I've been looking for you everywhere! Cmon, we have to go. Meet me back at the same spot we landed." Blue Leader ordered. Jaiden signed off and put on their coat again.

"So I'm guessing we're on good terms?" I asked.

"For now." Jaiden smirked. I smile too and ruffled their hair.

"Watch it!" They yelled jokingly. I laugh in response. Jaiden reached their hand on the door handle.

"I hope I get to see you soon." I said. Jaiden turned their head slightly.

"Me too."

jaidens pov

"There you are!" My dad exclaimed, opening his arms out. I hugged him and he escorted me to the aircraft.

"Did you kill Red Leaders son like I said?" He asked. I paused for a moment.

"Uh no. I couldn't find him anywhere!" I lied. My dad sighed.

"It's fine. Maybe you wouldn't have stand a chance. I was fighting his father and Jesus, he was pretty strong for a skinny guy. Who knows what he's feeding his son." My dad scoffed. I nodded.

"Why is your hair down?" He pointed out.

"I-um. Sorry." Is all I said before tying my hair back up.

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