for blue leader

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3 years later

I scroll through a few photos of me and Tord. They were all cute and funny. I started getting a little emotional so I turned off my phone.

"I wish you were here to see this, mahal ko." I whispered. I ruffled Tord's hair like he used to do with me. It has gotten so much longer and also he started going facial hair which was weird to look at.

"Maybe after this party, I can shave your face or something. Maybe when your fifty you can start going a beard." I joked.

"Oh shit." I mumbled after looking at the time. I give Tord a small kiss on the forehead and sprint down to the main hall.

"What?! All this for me?" I exclaimed after seeing the table filled with presents.

"Of course, boss! You deserve it." Paul patted my shoulder. My face flushed red. I was so flattered.

"There is the star for today!" I turned to see my main man, Mr. Romero.

"There's my fav person!" I laughed, hugging him. I loved Mr. Romero's hugs. He reminds me of my father before......yeah.

"After the party, we should go have dinner together. My treat." He offered. Before I can reply, the microphone went off.

"Attention!" We turn to the stage and somehow, Paul and Pat were up there. I don't know when they got there but whatever.

"To start off, Blue Leader. You've accomplished so much in just three years and we couldn't admire you more for that. Your determination, stubbornness, and skills have led us to victory. Most of us will say you made this army better then it ever was. We love you, Boss." I covered my mouth in awe. Who turned on the waterworks.

"If you're about to cry, boss, then someone hand you a tissue because we're not done." I fan myself and continue listening.

"Blue Leader is an outstanding leader, amazing friend, and is like a younger siblings to us. If we ask them to do anything for us, they will do it immediately. They put this army over themselves and it shows how selfless they can be at times, even if they're kind of a narasstic when it comes to their looks." Bitch.

"Jaiden, you were able to form an army that before was only ever made to take over the world into the opposite. That being stopping corruption. For that, we applaud you! Also shout out to Mr. Romero for making this happen."

??? pov

"Ugh...." was the first thing I said. I sat up and realized I was in a hospital room. I scratched my head and tried to move my arm and it caused an aching feeling throughout my body. I press on a small button that I think notifies a nurse or something. I wait for a minute until a nurse walks in.

"Oh my God....." she mumbled. I raised an eyebrow.

"Where am I and what the hell happened?" I asked. She looked so shocked.

"Sir, you were in a three year coma! Doctors thought you were dead." She explained.

"What." Was all I was able to say. She nodded. One thing was on my mind ever since I woke up.

"Where is Jaiden? Tell me, now!" I yelled. The nurse was taken aback.

"Just a moment, please." She pulled out a walkie talkie and walked off. A minute later, she came back.

"Blue Leader is doing a speech at the moment. After they're done, they will check on you." She explained.

"Blue Leader?!" I screamed. I was so confused. The nurse calmed me down.

"Everything will be sorted out soon. While you wait for Blue Leader, why don't you watch them giving the live speech?" She asked, waving the TV remote at me. I rolled my eyes as she handed it to me and left me alone. I turned on the TV and holy fuck. I didn't know if my eyes were deceiving me or not.

jaidens pov

"I thank each and everyone of you for just being here. This may be a small army, but the impact we made on society is huge!" I ended my speech. Roars of claps erupted and I felt so emotional at that moment.

Would you look at me now, Tord?

I walk to where Paul and Pat were and they looked very shocked.

"What's wrong?" I asked. Pat grabbed my shoulders and whispered something into my ears.

"What!?! Really?" I exclaimed. They nodded. I push past them and run out of the hall. I sprinted to the separate building into the medical wings. Up flights of stairs because fuck elevators. I was fucking dashing so fast. I stopped in my tracks when I reached the door. My hand reached for the doorknob.

What if he's actually mad at me? What if he doesn't remember me? What if RAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!

I shake those thoughts out of my head and breathe.


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