mission to assassinate

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"God. I look so good." I admired myself in the mirror. I was wearing a nice suit that to be honest, I would hit. My hair was down and all prettied up and I had some eyeliner and other stuff.

"Here are your gloves." Pat handed them to me. I put them on and posed a little in front of the mirror.

"God damn. I am a babe." I complimented myself. Pat just rolled his eyes.

"I'll just comment that you look very.....nice." He said. I take a quick few pics before exiting the room with Pat.

"Jaiden, you look so fine." Paul said while we were entering the car.

"For real though. Next time, I'll wear a tight dress." I laughed. We started driving and we all talked for a bit.

"So how much are we making from this?" I asked.

"Well, we put in a good word for you with another rich politician. The man you're about to kill is his opponent running for office or something. He's willing to pay you a lot for his death. And to be sure, he's attending the same party and hoping to meet you in person afterwards." I nod and smile.

"Cool! This is gonna be awesome." I laugh. Paul and Pat talked a bit while I sat looking out the window. My mind wondered to Tord. I'm doing this for Tord. I hope he's going to be okay. Maybe I should visit him after all this is done. The car reached an abrupt stop.

"You ready, Jaiden?" Paul turned to face me.

"I guess." I answered. I placed my hand on the handle. Before I can open the door, Paul stopped me.

"We'll text you when we're at the back." I nodded and exited the car. The doors for this building were wide open. Paul and Patryck mentioned that the cameras were already taken care of. I walk inside the building and literally everyone was dressed all formal. Suits, dresses. The whole shazam. I scan the room, looking for this Mr. Hills. My eyes land on a white man that fit the description of his folder. He was talking to a bunch of other people. I continue to stare daggers at this guy, making sure he doesn't leave my site.

"Champagne?" A random guy held a tray full of glasses and I took one, awkwardly thanking him. I needed some liquid encouragement anyway. I chugged it and set the empty glass on a table. My phone then vibrated.

Pau: 1 minute, lights off.

Okay, Paul. I walked a little closer to where my target was and tie my hair up. Then, the lights went off.

"Don't panic, everyone! Lights will be back on momentarily." I place my night vision goggles on and swiftly came up behind Mr. Hills. I pull out my blade while placing my hand on his mouth. He squirmed around until I slashed his neck open. I dragged him where the bathrooms were.

"Sorry this wasn't the death you were expecting. Lemme make this quick." I said, ending this man with a stab in his heart. I take off the goggles and pant.

"Holy shit...."

I fled the scene and meet with Paul and Patryck, who were parked a few blocks away from the building.

"By those small blood stains, I'm guessing you were able to kill him?" Pat pointed out.

"Fuck! I wanted to wear this again." I complained. Paul patted my head.

"Nice job, squirt." He grinned. I rolled my eyes, letting my hair run down again.

"So you must be Jaiden." We all turned to see the owner of the voice.

"Oh yeah. Jaiden this is Mr. Romero. He's the man that is willing to pay you for killing Mr. Hills." Paul introduced the man. He was very tall and built as fuck.

"You have lots of potential, Jaiden. I look forward to working with you three again." Romero handed me a check.

"$50k?! Thank you! Thank you!" I cried, jumping up and down. He just waved his hand and laughed.

"Of course! I'll catch up with you guys again." He walked away. The three of us just enter the car.

"I got you guys a little something." I said as I digged through my pocket.

"What is it?" Pat asked. I whipped out a box of fancy looking cigarettes and I see Paul's eyes gleam.

"You know me so well, Jaiden!" He exclaimed. I tossed him the box and he immediately smokes one, handing a cigarette to Pat as well.

"Want one?" Paul offered. I shake my head.

"Na. I never smoked before and I don't plan on doing so." I explain. Paul frowns.

"Well, there's a first time for everything." He continues. I awkwardly take the cigarette and just place it in my pocket. The cars engine starts up and Paul starts driving.

"First mission a success?" He asked the two of us.

"Mission indeed successful."

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