dream or...vision?

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We set up camp once more, getting wood before dark and such. Tord stopped flirting with me after the whole kiss ordeal so that made this trip more relaxing. He definitely learned his place.

"We're 6 hours away from the airport at this rate." Tord smiled. I put my hands together in delight.

"That's such amazing news!" I exclaimed. Tord took a seat next to me near the fire. I noticed how his face would turn a tint pink when he was close to me. I secretly kinda felt bad.

"About the kiss..." Tord mumbled. I stop him.

"That. I'm so sorry. It was unnecessary of me. I just thought it would be a funny joke, but the more I see you getting awkward around me, the more guilty I feel." I said. Tord paused for a moment.

"Oh. It's fine. I did ask for it. You just delivered. I don't know, it was unexpected you can say." Tord mumbled. I nod and lay down on the ground.

"I long for a shower at the moment." I frowned. Tord laughed.

"I just want to get comfy and stuff." He laughed. I giggle and close my eyes, letting sleep take over me.

"Jaiden, wake up." I felt someone shaking me. I open my eyes and see Tord.

"My phone is at 20% we have to get moving." Tord said, pulling me up. I rub my eyes and yawn. I turn and see Tord already jogging. I grab my bag and catch up to him. We immediately start running.

"Don't worry, Jaiden. This will all be over soon." Tord reassured me. I give him a small smile.

"Yeah....I'll just miss the amount of times we spent bonding." I mumbled.

"Really?" Tord blushed. I nod. He just smiled and looked in front of him.

We've been running for hours it seems. We, of course, took a few breaks but now we were on our last break since we were 30 minutes away from the airport.

"This will all be worth it in the end." Tord smiled. I was rolling a pile of snow in my hand in the shape of a ball. Tord was eyeing it.

"If you even think about it..." He glared at me. I laugh.

"Na. I wanna make a tiny snowman." I explain. Tord sat next to me and also grabbed a pile of snow.

"Then I will too." We sat in the snow, making our little creations. It felt nice. Once I was done with mine, I took a stick and broke it in half, making two arms. I placed it on the body and admired my work.

"It doesn't even have a face." Tord criticized. I roll my eyes.

"My poor baby doesn't need one." I replied. Tord placed his down and didn't bother with the arms.

"Done." He smiled. I take out my phone and snap a pic of the two snowmen.

"Send that pic to me later." Tord told me.

"Sure." I respond. I stand up and brush the snow off my knees. Tord brushes his bangs out of his face.

"You ready?" He asked. I nod and we continue our run.

"Civilization!!! People!! Buildings!" I exclaim. My arms were wide arm and I couldn't stop smiling.

"You look like a maniac, Jaiden chill." Tord warned me. I squeal in delight while Tord dragged me by the wrist.

"Well, now we wait." Tord sighed, taking a seat on a bench. I realized that we were inside of the airport. It was so nice and warm. I sit next to Tord, letting out a loud yawn.

"Here, why don't you take a nap? My friend isn't gonna be here until an hour later." He suggested.

"Yeah, okay." I muttered. I laid my head on Tord's shoulder and instantly drift off.

I was sitting on a bench in the park. At that moment, I felt so ticked off. I kicked my legs back and forth, staring down at my feet. That was until I heard gunshots fire from a distance. I quickly take cover underneath the playground. I glance around and see Blue and Red Army soldiers. I sprint away from them, trying to find Tord. I end up finding Tord in front of a yellow house with a red roof. He grabs my hands.

"Are you okay, min kjærlighet?" He asked. I nod and he quickly took my wrist and we ran away from the scene. For some reason, my dream self wasn't questioning anything. We kept running until Tord stopped. He stumbled a bit and I was confused.

"Tord-" I look down and see his hoodie stain with a dark red. Tord collapsed, but I caught him in my arms.

"No...no..." I cried. Tord just gave me a weak smile.

"Jeg elsker deg, Jaiden..." He whispered.

"No! Tord-"

"What?" I shot up from my seat. Tord glanced over at me.

"Woah. You okay?" Tord asked, putting a hand on my shoulder. I looked him up and down. He was perfectly fine.

"Yeah....bad dream." I replied.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He offered. I slowly nod, kind of hesitant.


"Tord!" We both turned and saw a man with dark brown hair and a green hoodie waving over at us. Tord waved back to that person and signaled me to come with him. We approached this guy, who hugs Tord. I stood awkwardly as they both started talking.

"You look like shit." The man laughed. Tord rolled his eyes and elbowed his arm. Tord turned to me.

"Edd, this is Jaiden and Jaiden, this is Edd." Tord introduced us. The guy who's Edd took out his hand.

"Hey, Jaiden. Nice to meet you." He smiled. I took his hand and shook it.

"You too, Edd." Tord quietly chuckled and pushed inbetween us.

"ANYWAYS. Is the helicopter ready?" Tord asked. Edd nodded.

"Yeah, follow me." Edd gestured us. I pick up my duffle bag and follow Edd out the door, Tord trailing from behind. Tord came next to me.

"I'm sorry, we can talk about your dream later?" He asked. I just nodded.

"Yeah that's fine.." It may have just been me but that dream felt like much more...

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