commence the revival of the blue army

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Few months later

"You look elegant as ever, Jaiden." Romero complimented.

"You're too kind, sir." I replied, secretly very flattered by that remark.

"Yeah, it's weird seeing you in a dress. It's amazing how you can pull off a dress and a suit." Paul added.

"Stop before I actually cry." I messed with my napkin. Our food arrived and before we can eat, Mr. Romero held up his glass.

"To the four of us! For stopping corrupted politicians and government." He toasted. We all held our glasses and click. I chugged the red wine and began to dig into my food.

"So, we have an announcement for you, Jaiden." Pat said. I hummed in response.

"Well a few days ago, I talked with Paul and Patryck and supposedly your original plan with the Blue Army was to basically terrorize bigger corrupt groups?" Romero explained. I nodded along.

"Yes. Like maybe groups that hold people for ransom and shit. You kinda get the idea." I added.

"Correct. Well, what if you can get ahead with that starting tomorrow?" I paused for a moment.

"You really mean that? I kind of thought the whole assassination thing was gonna be the main thing." I said in disbelief. Romero replied with a nod.

"This is amazing! Thank you again."

"Stunning as ever." I smiled at myself in the mirror. I really pulled off the Blue Army uniform still after several years later. And also since it's my army now, under my rules I don't need to keep my hair up for dumb ass reasons. I exit my room and walk down the halls, heading outside. I tie my hair, leaving a few strands poking out and meet Paul and Pat.

"Oh yeah. You were made for this." Paul smiled at me. The three of us hop into a military truck and we take off.

"The nostalgia really hits hard." I laughed as I started to smoke a cigarette.

"I missed this. Me, Pat and Tord were always paired up. The three of us would just smoke and shit instead of doing actual work until Red found out haha." Paul chuckled. Pat smiled while listening to him.

"Let's just hope this all goes well." I  said as I exhale some smoke through my nose.

"Ew. What a shitty hideout." I criticized. The building was all run down and it smelled like shit.

"Yeah but it is isolated. You remember what's next?" Pat asked. I turned on the walkie talkie.

"Start phase 1." I instructed. On cue, a few Blue Army soldiers enter the building and a few gunshots are heard. Paul and I leap out from our corner and we stealthy make our way inside.

"Jesus!" Paul mumbled into his turtleneck. The smell was horrific and the newly scent of dead bodies didn't help mask it. We continued further and reach a small room.

"There. A trapdoor." I point out. We open the door and hop down. There were small puddles that made a splash sound when we hit the bottom. We started running down the dark, humid passage way and stopped when we found two paths.

"Do you hear that?" Paul said out of the blue.

"This way." I started running down the left path. That happened for a few moments before a figure was spotted. They ran off but I was faster. I jumped on top of them, pinning them to the ground.

"Let go of me, you bitch!" He yelled. Paul caught up to us.

"Nice." He smiled. I pull out my gun and push it against the side of the guys head.

"Sorry it has to end like this." I said sarcastically.


Blood leaked from his head.

"Leaders down. We should find a way out." I suggested. Paul led me to a ladder and above was a manhole. We climbed for a few minutes and uncovered the lid.

"Fresh air!" I gasped. The breeze hitting our faces was the best feeling.

"Phase 2 now." I said in the walkie. In a second, the building that was a block away from us exploded. Paul and I watch in awe.

"God we're so good." He commented.

"Next time, I wanna blow up the building instead of Pat." I frowned. We stood up, dusting ourselves and walked back to where our trucks and stuff were parked. There were a few other soldiers present that didn't seem to suffer any injuries.

"No one died from our side, right?" I doubled check with Pat.

"It would be embarrassing if someone from our side died. We're all ex military soldiers while this was just a drug dealer group." Pat explained. I nod in agreement.

"Let's get pizza."

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