the final chapter

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Few weeks later

still tords pov

To catch you up as the reader, I got a haircut and gained back some weight I lost during my coma. Jaiden also has PTSD which is fun for them I guess. Also I was discharged from the hospital room I was in a few days after I woke up and been living in Jaiden's dorm room------which is fucking huge I must add----Okay I'll shut the fuck up and continue with the FINAL chapter !!!! 😱

"You almost ready in there?" I knocked on the bathroom door. I heard the lock click and I open the door. Jaiden was putting on makeup, per usual.

"Anyways, made any progress on your recent sessions?" I asked them. They hummed a bit to the music they were playing before answering.

"Yeah. Everything is going fine. You don't need to worry, trust." Jaiden smiled. I sigh and watch them effortlessly apply their lashes.

"Spray and.....done! What do you think?" They grinned.

"You're so fine." I replied. Jaiden giggled and messed with their hair. I ruffled it for them.

"Not bad." They responded. We exit the bathroom and Jaiden grabs their bag before we exit the dorm room. We make it outside to where a helicopter was ready to take off.

"There's the happy couple! Is this a date?" Paul greeted us. Jaiden nodded.

"Yeah. May not look it but we're going out tonight." What Jaiden meant by that was that we were wearing our casually clothing so. Paul led us in and Jaiden and I take a seat at the back. Pat joins us and takes a seat at the passengers seat up front with Paul.

"Where to?" Paul asked. Jaiden got up and whispered something in Paul's ear. Pat and I exchange looks. Jaiden then plops down next to me and the aircraft started to take off.

"Where are we going?" I asked them.

"You'll see." They smirked.

"Wake up!" I shook Jaiden side to side.

"Ugh....wait my eyeliner isn't messed up, is it?" They shot up quick. I grab their face and examine it.

"It looks good still." I said. Jaiden smiled and planted a quick kiss on my lips.

"Thanks, mahal ko." They hopped out of the seat and exit the aircraft, not before yelling goodbye at Paul and Patryck. I also said my goodbyes before exiting too. After me and Jaiden walked a few blocks away, the helicopter took off.

"Why couldn't we just drive?" I asked.

"Well, you can't drive from Norway to London, dumb ass." They responded.

"What?!" I yelled. Jaiden just took my hand and dragged me to a cliff. A very familiar cliff.

"Wait, isn't this the cliff I took you to on our first date?" I pieced it together. Jaiden nodded.

"Yep! My comfort place." Jaiden walked to the rails and it reminds me of how they looked when we first went here. They dig through their jeans and pull out a box of cigarettes.

"Want one?" They offered.

"Of course!" I smiled like a child and ran up to them. They handed me one and we started smoking.

"To be honest, this is probably a habit I'll grow out of quick so I'll consider this my last smoke with my beloved." Jaiden said. I ruffled their hair.

"Good for you, min kjærlighet. Me though, probably not." I laugh. Jaiden pats my back.

"That's fine. I'll still love you even if your breath will stink." They joked. I put out my cigarette and so does Jaiden. I wrap my arm around them.

"I love you." I whispered.

"Love you too."

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