purple army

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this is another timeskip and its been another year so jaiden and tord are 22.

I woke up a mess. My hair was all over the place, my eyes were being blinded by lights and I wasn't in the best mood. I walk downstairs and chug down a glass of water.

"Woah. You look like shit!" I narrow my eyes at Tom, who is looking at me like I'm a sack of shit.

"Wow, thanks." I said, staring in front of me rather than at him.

"So, are you up to jam out in a bit? I kinda got the hang of that one Pierce the Veil song and you know I need my favorite vocalist~" Tom grinned.

"Yeah, but my voice is probably gonna be shitty so don't expect me to sing like a goddess." I warned him. Tom just brushed me off and walked away. I rub my eyes and decide to change into a less comfortable outfit so I don't slack off the rest of the day. I exit the bathroom and make my way to the living room. Before I could enter, I saw something on the TV that struck me.

"Ah, shit. Next channel-" Tom said, holding onto the remote. The channel was on the News.

"Wait, Jaiden nor Tord is here right now. Let's watch a tiny bit of it." Edd replied. Tom didn't fight against him so they continued watching the news. I was stunned. The caption read, 'Purple Army invading London' or something. The guys weren't even phased at all. This is the first time in three years I heard anything relating to the armies. Edd turned his head and his eyes widen seeing me behind the corner.

"J-Jaiden!?! How long were you there?" Edd asked, clearly nervous. Tom and Matt were equally nervous too.

"What the hell is this?"

tords pov

I was planning on asking Jaiden to eat out. I had a discount at a nice restaurant so I thought 'why not?' I make my way to the living room and I glance over and see the guys and Jaiden in there. Jaiden looked pissed so I came to their rescue.

"What did you guys do to Jaiden?" I asked, assuming the guys did something idiotic.

"Did you know about this?!" Jaiden screamed. I take a look at the TV. My blood ran cold. It was the Purple Army on there. Before I did anything else, I gestured the guys to leave us alone.

"So you do know." They whispered. I nodded, guilt rushing in my body. I began to speak.

"I was paranoid, okay? I know I told you to not worry about Blue and Red but after you told me your dream, I've been getting more news about our dads and stuff and they had me terrified."

"So you thought it would be a good idea to shield off anything relating to the Blue and Red Army from me?!" They summarized. I hesitated to respond. I ended up giving them a small nod.

"I can't believe you! You're so damn selfish!!" They shouted. I quickly grabbed their cheek to comfort them.

"I'm so sorry, min kjærlighet, but I didn't want you to think the worst! We both know that if all these coincidences lined up, then the dream would come true." I reasoned. Jaiden held their hand out in front of me to stop talking.

"I heard enough. I'll be gone for a while." They said, making their way to the door.

"Where are you going, Jaiden?" I cried. I watched as they snatched their coat off the coat rack and placed it around their shoulders.

"Away from you!" They yelled, slamming the door behind them. The slam shook the whole house and I knew right then and there, I fucked up.

jaidens pov

That bastard, thinking he's helping me when he's helping himself! Fuck Tord, he can kiss my ass.

I was walking down the sidewalk with my arms crossed. I definitely looked like a toddler but at that moment I was so mad. I found a nearby park that felt familiar but I couldn't put my finger around it. I sat on the swings and gripped onto the chains and swung back and forth for a bit. I didn't know what to think at that moment.

He was just looking out for me, why was I such a bitch back there?

I kicked my legs, my feet hitting the gravel and stared down at the ground. For a minute I was thinking more about the dream.

Wait, this park-

On cue, roars of gunshots were erupted from behind me. I quickly ran over to the playground and hid under the slide. As feared, I saw them. The blue coats, red turtlenecks, grey coats and blue turtlenecks. It was unbelievable. Especially since they weren't trying to kill each other, but instead killing other people. Only one thing was on my mind.

Find Tord.

I ran non-stop on the sidewalk, screaming Tord's name. I was panting so much, I hated running. I ran pass houses that had bullet holes ingraved and occasionally would see blood stains. I turned the corner and ran straight into someone.

"Jaiden!?" I heard that voice all too well.

"Tord? What's happening-"

"There's no time! We're meeting the others in the woods." Tord interrupted. He grabbed my hand and we ran down the sidewalk. I was exhausted and dying. Even so, I was able to talk to Tord.

"Tord, I'm sorry about earlier. I was being a total dick." I apologized.

"I'm sorry too. I was acting on instinct and I didn't want you to worry." Tord replied. We heard more gunshots close in on us, so Tord quickly pinned me to the wall of a house, letting a few Blue Army soldiers run right past us.

"Jaiden, I know what you're thinking. This isn't gonna be like your dream, okay? I promise that-" Tord stopped talking. I heard a small 'pew' and I looked down to see Tord shaking. His hand reached down to his chest and then he collapsed onto me.

"Oh my God, Tord?!?!" I exclaimed. I look up and see a Blue Soldier with a gun in his hands.

"Bullseye!" I heard the guy next to him say.

"You bastards! I'm gonna fucking cut you!!" I bolted towards them in anger. The soldier with the gun held his finger on the trigger, but the guy next to him stopped him.

"You can't kill them! That's Jaiden-" I attacked the guy with the gun and wrestled with him for it. I proved successful and shot the motherfucker through the head.

"Yes, sir. It's really them-" I shot the other guys head. He dropped his walkie talkie immediately and I noticed he was calling my dad. I crushed the thing a few times before it was nothing more then bits of plastic. I ran back to Tord, who's hand it all bloody and his skin was getting pale. I got on my knees to inspect the scene.

"Take off your hoodie, now!" I instructed. Tord didn't listen.

"So, it came true in the end. You're a real psychic, min kjærlighet." He gave me a weak, pathetic laugh. I was annoyed, so I applied pressure to his bullet wound. He winced in pain, gripping onto my wrist for support.

"Jaiden, please...." Tord whispered.

"You're not dying on me, you son of a bitch I swear! It's not true!" I cried. He reached his hand and cupped my cheek.

"Jeg elsker deg..." He smiled.

"What-" Before I can say anything, he pulled me into a kiss. His lips were dry and cold. It lasted for a few seconds before he pulled away, still smiling.

"Please. Not like this....." I mumbled. Tord then went limp. I felt chills down my spine.

This can't be real. No way...

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