More Revelations and Maybe Boners

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23. More Revelations and Maybe Boners

wOOOO okay so it's been an entire month since I've updated, but this is 3,000 words so it's okay. I've been busy with school and schoolwork and studying and life stuff and yeah. And with finals coming up, who knows when I'll be able to write?? I don't. That's okay though. I'm also p sure that 1,000 words of this are sex. Well, enjoy this chapter! (:


Your name is Simon Captor and you're still making out with Orpheus.

He has you pressed against a table and you have moved your hands to grip at his hair, and good god you're hard and oh my god you're in a public place-

You move back from him, panting, and say, "Is this really the time? We're supposed to be looking for your son-"

"Oh shit," he replies, his eyes widening, and he moves back, running his hands through his hair. "I'm the worst parent ever. It's me."

You laugh and grab his hand, saying, "No, you aren't. But we really do need to find your son, so let's move."

He flushes but smiles and follows you, gripping your hand.


Your name is Sollux Captor and you weren't really going to make the audience wait to see what your mom is doing. That's too many cliffhangers. Too many.

Anyway, you're standing in the doorway of the room where Eridan is being held captive and your mom, who has been dead for many, many years, is standing in front of Eridan.


She looks at you and her features soften. "Sollux? Is that-"

"Don't talk to him!" the other man snaps, stepping between the two of you and glaring you down.

You squeak and try to back up; this large man is... extremely intimidating. Oh. You made a mistake.

"Haha, wrong room. Oopth. Haha, I'm jutht gonna... yeah, I'm- bye," you say before trying to casually turn around and walk out but it's too late and this intimidating man grabs you by the collar to yank you back inside, then closes the door. Aw fuck. You hecked up.

"What'th going on, guyth? I don't even... haha, I don't even know any of you?" you laugh nervously, trying to squirm out of the big guy's grip.

"Let go of him, Makara," the woman (your mother?????) says, still studying you. Okay wait a second. Makara? You know, like... two whole Makaras. Now three. That's so many.

Okay too much information to process right now.

The big guy (Makara??) lets go of your collar, grumbling slightly, and you step away from him, fixing your shirt. You. Don't even know who to talk to first??

Your mom is probably a good idea.

"Mom? What'th... what ith thith?" you ask her, still confused. You thought your mom was dead. Years ago. She died. Your father told you that, in tears. Did he lie to you?

"I'm sorry, Sollux. I'm sorry I lied to your father, and in turn, you and Mituna," she says to you, looking a little bit sad. Just a little bit.

"What do you mean? How did... Dad told me you died," you reply, eyes narrowing at her.

"You know him?" 'Makara' asks your mother, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes," she replies to him, rudely ignoring your question. Rude.

"Why do you have ED tied to a chair?" you try again, gesturing to Eridan, who's been looking around in confusion this whole time and now to chooses to glare at you. That's cool.

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