Everybody Is Sad, But Also Happy

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18.      Everybody Is Sad, But Also Happy

Surprise! It hasn't been 10 years since I last updated. It's been like a week. I have 0 chill. Also, I've been writing this during chemistry class, where we do nothing, so that helps. Yeah, enjoy this bowl of angst and sadness. Have fun!


Your name is Sollux Captor, and by now you’re pretty worried.

Eridan has been twitching in his unconscious state, frowning at times, and you’re- well, you’re worried for him. You wonder if maybe he’s having a bad dream. Do unconscious people dream? They must, because sleeping is basically being unconscious for hours-

Whatever. You wet the rag you had on his forehead with water from the sink in your bathroom and put it back on, hoping to calm him at least. It helps a little, but he’s still frowning. You wonder what it would be like, for him to not be frowning. Maybe he would even be smiling. Wow.

You shake your head, clearing your thoughts. Then you sigh, and try to poke at his face to get it to relax. It doesn’t work.

Meanwhile, where are your brother and father? And Eridan’s brother and father?

While you hate to leave Eridan like this, you need to find out what happened to your families. You haven’t heard anything in hours. Huh.

You pap Eridan on the cheek, then stand up and exit your room. It’s oddly silent in your house. Normally, you can hear Mituna playing his video games or at least Simon making dinner. It’s around dinner time anyway.

You walk down the hallway and go down the stairs, listening for anything. You check the living room, and the kitchen, and the dining room, and every room downstairs. No sign of any of them. Ugh.

You can’t leave Eridan by himself when he’s unconscious, so all you can do is go back up to your room and sit next to Eridan. You do so, and then get out a game to amuse yourself. All you can do now is wait.


Your name is Simon Captor and you’re in big trouble. Again.

You, or more specifically Orpheus, just ran into the Mayor and his assistant. Moreso the assistant.

Before you can even think you’re running, running in the opposite direction of the Mayor. The other 3 follow you, and you know the Mayor can’t run, and the assistant lady can’t run without him, so you think you actually have a chance of getting away.

Then suddenly you hear yelps of surprise behind you. You spin around to see an invisible force tugging Orpheus and Cronus back, all the way to the Mayor. Shit. Is it the weird assistant lady? It’s probably the weird assistant lady.

Her eyes have gone all glowy, but she’s standing there like she’s doing nothing, although Orpheus and Cronus are fighting against their bonds like there’s no tomorrow.

You share a hesitant glance with Mituna, who’s stopped running as well, then you both break into a run back over to the others. Orpheus and Cronus are held against the wall now, and though they’re struggling, they’re not making any headway.

You need to destroy this at the base.

You dart towards the assistant lady and push her to the ground. You really don’t want to hurt her, but at the same time you really do want to hurt her. She’s caught off-guard by the push and whatever bonds are on Orpheus and Cronus go away, and this time you four run past the mayor and down a hallway.

The assistant lady is too confused and dazed to immediately catch you guys, so you all just keep running, running hopefully towards the exit.

You follow the various signs throughout the hallways and somehow manage to make it the front lobby.

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