School Sucks So Much

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6. School Sucks So Much

Your name is now Eridan Ampora, as it has always been, what are you talking about? Anyway, you get to be home with your own family as the Captor family leaves. It's Monday, and while Mr. Captor (whose name is Simon) goes to work, Sollux and Mituna get to go to high school. Oh joy.

You remember high school, and to be honest, you wish you didn't. The last time you went there was in the third quarter of your junior year, and your other 2 years weren't very memorable. You remember getting picked on, of course, for what you wore. You wore a scarf, usually, and tight jeans and always long-sleeved shirts. Most everything you wore was purple, a violet color (which is still your favorite color) so you got called "gay" a lot. Not that you weren't- well, you're bi- but it hurt sometimes when they would say it with a sneer as they beat you up.

High school wasn't the best time of your life, is your point. It was a small high school anyway, because it's a small town, but still, high school life was pretty much a living hell. You'd gladly never go back. Oh wait, you can't, because you're dead. Funny how that works. You don't have to go to high school, yay! All you have to pay is your life.

Shaking yourself out of your gloomy thoughts, you get up off of Sollux's bed and walk downstairs, where your father and brother are waiting at the dining room table. Well, this can't be good.

"Yes, father?" you ask as innocently as you can, sitting down a couple seats away. No need to be in the blast zone.

"Don't play dumb, Eridan. You know what you did," he says in a flat tone, his hands in fists on the table.

You look down, playing with your rings as you ask, "Do I noww?"


You look up at him, and shit he looks really serious- even more serious than usual. "Yes?"

"I gave you one job. Do you know what that one job was?" he asks, glaring at you. Sometimes you completely forget he was once this menacing man who made other grown men piss their pants just by looking at them.

"It wwas to spy on them, sir," you mumble, looking back down.

"Look at me when I'm speaking to you," he snaps, and your head shoots up to look at him so fast you think your gave yourself whiplash. "You were to spy on them. Now can you tell me what you did instead?"

You look over at Cronus, who's looking away from both of you, guilt etched into his face. So he told him, huh. You look back at your father and reply tonelessly, "I revvealed myself to them. I lost control an' nearly punched one in the face, an' told them pretty much evverythin' about us."

"And Cronus here tells me the younger Captor has been doing research in the library. Is this true?" your father asks, and Cronus winces, keeping his eyes firmly on the floor away from both of you.

"Yes it is. I told him not to, that it wwasn't necessary, but he did it anywway," you say, scowling at that memory. He had hurt you with his words about only researching your deaths to get rid of you. That was rude of him, but what can you do about it? You don't imagine you'd much like living with ghosts either, if you were him.

"And he did it anyway. Of course. Look son, I don't want to punish you. You know that, right?"

"But you're goin' to anywway," you mutter, looking down at your hands in your lap.

"What was that?" your father snaps.

"Nothin'," you reply, looking back up at him and he has the glare on his face again and wow if you still slept that would give you nightmares.

He growls and says, "What I'm saying is I don't want to punish you, but a lesson has to be taught. There's no more interacting with any of the humans, you got it?"

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