Makin' My Wway Dowwntowwn, Wwalkin' Fatht

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The longest part yet, wow! I'm all caught up on this website now, so I'll go back to working on chapter 11. Hopefully this fanfic is good enough? Idk, it's up to the readers. Comment, add to your library, do whatever you want, wattpadians! I am always open to suggestions and constructional criticism. Thank you, and enjoy!

10. Makin' My Wway Dowwntowwn, Wwalkin' Fatht

Your name is Eridan Ampora and you are so done with everyone and everything. Before Sollux's father came home, Cronus had dropped by a while ago to inform you and Sollux that you were going out to explore the town, which was great, just what you wanted. To float around town for hours with a couple of assholes and try to talk to them without people who are walking by noticing, with the added bonus of possibly seeing old rivals? Sounds great.

On the other hand, it is a prime opportunity to hang out with a prime piece of ass you've been secretly checking out for the past 15 minutes. Okay, maybe it's not so secret, you have nothing else to do and Sollux is a nice bit of eye candy. He's typing away on his laptop, but from the place you're sitting, against the wall on his left, near the door to the bathroom, you can see his profile. The way his eyebrows raise in surprise and lower into a frown, the way his glasses slowly slide down on his angled nose so his (nice long) fingers have to push them back up, the way his lips curl downwards into a frown. Especially the way his lips curl downwards into a frown.

It's only been 15 minutes and you're still bored. Time is crawling by, and you sigh loudly, slumping against the wall and hoping he gets the hint. He ignores you. What a dick. You're obviously suffering here, and he just leaves you to fend for yourself?

You hoist yourself up and sit next to his laptop on his desk, whining and slumping forward. He glares at you for a brief second, then turns back to his laptop. You groan and drape yourself across his laptop, probably pressing a few keys on it but not really giving a fuck.

"For fuck'th thake ED, I'm trying to work. Get off my fucking computer or I will thmack you," he growls, trying to shove at you, and wow what do you know, he can actually touch you when you're in solid form. You smirk at that but file that thought away for another time.

"I'm boooored, Sol. An' since I wwas technically livvin' here first, so you havve to entertain me," you answer snobbily, crossing your arms.

"Newthflash: I don't give a fuck. Now get off," he growls, still trying to push you off.

All you do is turn your face towards him, smirk, and wiggle your eyebrows, and he really does smack you on the stomach this time, scowling at you.

"Look, I'm buthy and you're in my way, so get the fuck off or I will make you," he hisses at you, now trying to pull you off, but still to no success.

"Sol, I knoww I'm hot an' you wwant me, but you're comin' on a lil' strong," you smirk at him, crossing your arms and lying on your back on top of his laptop and wow he's picking you up now, bridal style. You fake swoon, calling out his name in a falsetto, and get promptly dumped on the floor before he goes back to his laptop.

Well fine then, you guess it's going to be the hard way.

You tug at the column of his super fancy spinny chair, trying to tug him away from the computer, but he digs his feet into the floor. No success.

Next you drape your arms around his neck from behind, smirking as a blush creeps up his neck while you whisper his name in his ear and owowow he just punched you in the face, sending you backwards and onto your ass. Ugh.

Luckily for you, all this time you had spent bugging him and trying to get him to notice you had been enough time for Simon Captor to get home. As the door downstairs opened and closed, you bolted out of Sollux's bedroom and downstairs. It took Sollux longer because of his puny mortal legs, but eventually everyone meets up in the dining hall.

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