Who Even Keeps Diaries Anymore? (Eridan Does, But Shhh)

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Hello!! It's been a while. I hope you guys are enjoying this story! This chapter is plot and relationship stuff. Enjoy! (:

12. Who Even Keeps Diaries Anymore? (Eridan Does, But Shhh)

Your name is Eridan Ampora once more, and you really want to smack the lispy fucker in the computer chair (hint: it’s Sollux) but you won’t because he said something interesting for once.

“Wwhy the fuck wwould anybody keep a fuckin’ diary or some shit?” you ask, trying to look as disgusted as possible.

“Didn’t you used to havwe a diary, Eri’?” Cronus asks, smirking, and you smack him.

Sollux turns to the both of you with an annoyed look on his face and says, “Look, normally it’d be great to invethtigate thith “diary” ED thuppothedly hath, but I’m trying to read thith bullshit, tho could you two not?”

After that you both shut up.

Sollux reads the journal entries out loud, but since it would be a pain in the ass to write his lisp into them, you read over his shoulder and try to stay the same pace as the pace he’s reading at.

August 30th

Today is the first day I’ll start writing in this journal, order of the boss. Complete bullshit. I have to keep tabs on the Amporas, although the two sons aren’t who we’re after, so I’m not sure why I have to keep an eye on them. It’s the father that’s really interesting, anyway.

“Wwhat the fuck is this…?” you mumble to yourself, and Sollux smacks you on the arm. You turn to punch him in the face, because by god he’s annoying, but Cronus easily separates you too.

“Can I not have any interruptionth? I know it’th weird, but theriouthly,” Sollux snaps. You become the bigger person and ignore him, going back to reading over his shoulder.

It’s the father that’s really interesting, anyway. Why would some super rich guy move his family out here? He lived in New York originally, but he moved here with his two sons after getting people to build the mansion according exactly to his plans. He wasn’t retiring, no- he just came here to get away from the business of New York. He still runs his business, just from his mansion. There’s nothing really interesting about them, I’m not sure why I have to- fuck it. Apparently the boss has some beef with Orpheus Ampora, so I have to keep an eye on them.

September 7th

Something is happening. The boss is getting more and more antsy about the Amporas- they seem to have… taken over the town, I guess? They’re extremely popular- well, at least the father is. I’ve heard stories about the sons. It seems they’re not so popular in school. I haven’t met with them, but people tell me they’re real assholes. I wouldn’t doubt it. The father is extremely popular with all the townspeople, pretty much everybody. People are even saying that he’s more popular than the mayor. He’s probably not so happy about that. But everybody loves the eldest Ampora.

September 15th

The boss has decided what he wants to do with the Amporas. It’s dirty, and he knows that, but he has to get rid of them. They’re a potential threat to this town. The boss had them under his thumb, but they came and fucked everything up. Of course, I have to clean up after him, but it’s fine if I’m doing this for a raise. I’d better get a raise. Anyway, the boss says he’s going to deal with them soon. I’m not sure how he plans to do it yet, but I suppose I’ll find out.

September 20th

The boss says we’re going to do it in a week. I’m ready to do whatever it is he wants me to do.

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