Surprise Bitch, I Bet You Thought You'd Seen the Last of Me

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it's me baby!!! yeah it's been a while like 20 years a while, but i got struck by a sudden urge to continue this, so here it is. I had to reread ALL of this in prep because honestly i've forgotten everything that happened in this fic and tbh i've never read this all in succession, and apologies to those who binge-read this bc there are so many spelling errors and PLOT HOLES that honestly it would b too much to fix them so w/e. the biggest is the captor mom, so for clarification, anytime someone mentioned how long ago the amporas were murdered, assume they were estimating. it's been like.... less than 17 years, idk that's up to you but yeah captor mom yeeted off when sollux + mituna were like 3 or 4 so they have good memories of her, but not enough and they've got lots of pics of her too so. there okay. also i KNOW that i said ghosts cant do shit bc they ghosts but maybe they're becoming more human hmmm? also the title's funny bc captor mom is back and also so am i i'm funny


Your name is Sollux Captor and you remember your mother. Well, as much as you can when you were so young and all of your memories seem to be blurry and hazey, and everything seems to be a lot bigger than it really was. You know when you smell a certain smell, and suddenly you're blasted back to your second grade classroom in the late afternoon on a Tuesday?

That's what this is like.

When you first recognized your mom, memories hit you like a bullet train. You didn't have time to dwell on them considering you were getting devastated by your dead (???) mom's attack on your life together (she was bored, how could she say that to her son-), but now in the post-coital awkwardness with Eridan in the closet, thoughts and memories were running through your head.


It's a very, very early memory, but it's clear enough nonetheless. You and Tuna together in what seems like a crib, two adults cooing over the two of you, one male and the other female. You can assume that they're Simon and your mom- Anne- cooing over you, and that one's shocking enough. She said she got bored with the life she had with you, and Tuna, and Simon-

Another memory surfaces, and it's you and Tuna being held by Anne while you all watch Simon code away on his computer. Your father says something and Anne laughs, the movement jostling you and Tuna, but neither of you care, too fascinated with all the numbers scrolling across the computer screen. How could she laugh? Was she already talking to the Makara guy and the other mysterious person in charge- "boss"- about planning to kill the guy whose dick you just sucked, and his family, holy shit-

Another memory shows you and Tuna, both able to walk by now, utilizing the ability to wander in circles around some large room- although it might just seem large because you were so small- and two adults are laughing as you and Tuna waddle around. Suddenly, you trip over nothing and fall face-first into the ground. Immediately you start wailing- smashing your face into carpet isn't as pleasant as it sounds- and one of the adults picks you up and starts shushing you.

"Did you fall over and get a boo-boo?" a woman's voice coos to you, and you nod, fat tears sliding down your cheeks. "Well, let me fix that for you!" she continues before pressing a bunch of little kisses all over your face. Despite the dull throb of pain, you giggle through your tears and reach for her with your little chubby hands. She pulls you into a hug which seems to help you ignore the pain, which seems to be going away quickly anyway. How could this woman who had so much compassion for you just fake her death and leave-

Next memory and you're a bit older, sitting in a highchair at a dining table, next to your twin, Tuna. You both are making giant messes with your food, splashing Gerber's broccoli and whatever nonsense all over yourselves, your highchairs, and the dining room in general. There's laughter from two people- who you can safely assume are Anne and Simon at this point- and someone is wiping at your mouth, wiping away the baby food, then picking up a spoon and airplaning the food into your happy mouth. You squeal with delight at she- Anne- makes airplane noises, and you happily swallow the food she's offering you on the spoon. Seriously, she cleaned up after you, fed you, kept you happy, and had the audacity to say she was bored-

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