Ghosts Shouldn't Be This Annoying

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Welcome to GSBTA! I've already got 10 chapters out, so I'll upload them all today. The main pairing will probably be Erisol, although Crotuna and Dualpsii are a definite thing. Enjoy! 

1. Bathrooms Are Creepy

Your name is Sollux Captor and your life sucks. Well, it sucks even more than usual. You're moving to a new house, far away from your old apartment in Northern Oregon to a new house in the Californian Valley. You didn't know anything about the house, of course; your father, Simon, said it was surprise. It's just like him to do shit like this. You're on a plane right now, regretting life decisions that had led up to this moment. With only an hour left to go on the flight to the airport, you're dicking around on your phone and listening to music, absently petting your brother's mop of brown hair as he lays his head in your lap and sleeps. You just want to go to sleep in your old bed, not whatever new one you have at the new house. You just really don't want to live in a new house.

While you were distracted with these thoughts, you had arrived at the airport and you're getting off the plane. The airport's boring enough that you zone out as you grab your luggage plus 'Tuna's, then hand his to him. Next comes the taxi ride to your new house and- holy shit.

Holy motherfucking shit.

It's a goddamn mansion.

How did your father even afford this?

Well, he does do a lot of computer work for important people, but damn, how did he get the money for this? Whatever, you're not questioning it. As 'Tuna walks inside to explore, you help your father unpack stuff from the moving trucks that had driven everything down here. You don't have a lot of stuff, but you definitely need to go shopping later.

As you're unpacking a light bedside table, you ask your dad, "How did you afford thith?"

He just turns to you with a smile and says, "It was super cheap! Isn't that great?"

You roll your eyes and mutter, "Yeah, great." If moving away from all your friends is great.

'Tuna comes back out to help with stuff, grinning and going on about how big the house is. Once everything is unpacked, you have to start carrying stuff inside. Best to save the most work for last, right? You start with the light stuff, like tables and chairs in the living room (more like a small house) and the dining room (you're pretty sure it's the size of your old apartment) that 'Tuna helps you with. You help your dad with some of the heavier stuff, like the dining room table (dwarfed by the room) and the TV. Eventually you're able to take your bedroom stuff upstairs, and your dad shows you your bedroom- damn. Is everything in this house in extra large form? You get a whole room to yourself, one that comes with its own bathroom and a master bed. Wow. 'Tuna even has a room right next to yours, which is a plus.

You collapse on the bed, fatigue overcoming you as you curl up. Then your dad reminds you that you still have stuff to take upstairs. You groan and get back up, going downstairs to get the stuff that you had forgotten you had to take upstairs in your tiredness. It seemed to take forever: the nightstand, a dresser, a bookshelf, a desk, a chair, a lamp. and your suitcases (some of which your dad had to help you with) but when you're finally finished, you lie down on your bed and close your eyes, ready to go to sleep even if it's only 4 in the afternoon.

Then you hear a noise in the bathroom.

You open one eye cautiously, just to peer towards the bathroom. There's nothing. You sigh and close your eye again, returning to darkness. You hear another noise and sit up suddenly, squinting suspiciously towards the bathroom with your brown and blue eyes. There's yet another noise, like something falling, and you get up and slam the door to the bathroom open, ready to yell at anyone who's in here. Except…

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