Wait, Who Are All These People?

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yes it didn't take me 100 years to write the next chapter!! even though its kinda short, whoop oh well. i forgot what a Giant Pain (trademark) it is to write their quirks but whoop that's how it be now. and at this point i can't even parse through my own storyline, so good luck to y'all lmao, and for story's sake the internet has always existed don't worry about it!! enjoy!!


Your name is now Simon Captor, and you're face-to-face with your dead wife. Well, your dead wife who is very obviously not dead.

"You're dead," you manage to get out. "You're- y-you should be dead."

"Well, should be and are, are two different things, my dear ex-husband," Anne smiles at you.

"This is- oh my God, is this your wife? The one you told me about?" Orpheus asks, looking in shock between the two of you.

"Aww, he told you about me? Simon, have you finally let some love into your life after I left you?" your- ex-wife asks, still grinning. How can she- how-

"How can you- be smiling at me? Oh my God, you left me and our two sons. We all thought you were dead. Fuck, Anne, are you serious?" you look at her in horror.

"Well, some things had to be done, dear. I don't think you would've approved of my lifestyle. Although our sons might, do you have them with you? Of course I would've visited if I knew you had moved into the old Ampora house, but of course, most people get chased out after a week or two, you know- except for the Peixes family, and the Serkets-"

"Shut- shut up, fuck, don't you go near my sons," you threaten, suddenly furious. "You left me a single parent, to take care of twins. I raised them and held a job, don't you fucking dare go near them. You've done nothing to deserve to even breathe the same air as them."

Anne presses a hand to her chest, looking shocked- and probably faking it. "Simon! Dear Simon, I birthed them! I raised them for a few years alongside you, I was a stay-at-home mom, you can't throw my accomplishments under the bus and pretend I didn't do anything!"

"You- you faked your death. That explosion. You killed- what, three or four people in that explosion, just to make a dramatic exit? To come here, to the valley? How did you even- what does that- how- and you're somehow involved in all this, this murder nonsense?" you frown, trying to connect the dots in your head. One person- the journal-writer, probably the big scary dude- and a partner, "C", and a boss- oh hang on.

Oh holy shit.

"'C'. That was you. C for Captor, in the journal," you manage.

"Journal? How did you get ahold of-" the big dude growls, but Anne stops him with a hand on his shoulder as she grimaces, "Yes, C for Captor. I went back to my maiden name the second I got down here, but for privacy reasons, they made me use that initial. As for how I got down here... that's a long story, but I'll make it short and sweet for you. I got bored."

Every word she says is like a stab to your already ruined heart, and you long to grasp Orpheus's hand for comfort, but you don't dare in front of... her.

"I went online," she continues. "I found like-minded people easily enough- almost too easily- and they asked if I could come down here. They didn't know about you and our sons, but they never needed to. So I faked my death, and made my way down here for fortune and fun. You see, my boss has a lot of money and owns a lot of land..."


Your name is Cronus Ampora and while your father and Simon are, unknowingly to you, facing off with two others across the town hall, you're face-to-face with a big scary lady wearing a lot of blue, who just told you she basically murdered you.

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